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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, December 31, 2007

Why do you brush and floss your teeth?

Why do you brush and floss your teeth? Because you have always been told that you have no choice. Toothbrushes, dental floss, and fluoridated toothpaste are considered essential items for good dental health. Likewise, the fluoride in your drinking water (which was added without your consent) is, according to officialdom, a necessary preventive measure against tooth decay. But what if I told you that the individuals with the healthiest teeth and gums have never brushed or flossed their teeth or drunk fluoridated water? It is has long been demonstrated that residents of non-Western, undeveloped countries such as Kenya who stick to their native diets suffer little or no tooth decay. Dr. Lendon Smith discussed this in his article, "Nutritional Supplements, ADD & Children's Health." (Well Being Journal Vol. 7, No. 3 ~ May/June 1988): Smith writes, "...Dr. Weston Price...went around the world in the 1930s hoping to find the cause of tooth decay. He examined the teeth of Masai in Kenya, Maoris in New Zealand, Aborigines of Australia, New Guinea people, North Canadian Indians, Eskimos, and people living in the isolated valleys of Switzerland. He found these people had decay-free teeth if they stuck to their native diets. They retained their teeth. Skulls showed perfect teeth with no crowding and no cavities. (In Western, developed countries most of us have cavities, and after age 60 about half the population is edentulous.) Once they had access to sugar and white flour, and they deviated from their native diet, they developed cavities..." (Link: http://www.wellbeingjournal.com/add-adhd.htm) Consider the extraordinary financial (about $70 billion a year) and human cost of tooth decay in the United States -- more than 40 million Americans wear full or partial dentures, and approximately 1/3 of Americans over the age of 65 have lost all of their teeth. And our teeth rot and die for the same reason we are chronically overweight and diseased: we eat "foods" that were produced artificially in laboratories and factories rather than grown naturally from the earth. Most of us have been "trained" to eat this way all of our lives. In our publicly-funded schools, we were fed meals in strict accordance with the Government decreed "four food groups" -- heavily processed meat, dairy, starch, and canned produce have long been the staples of public school lunches. Throughout childhood, our parents, who only wanted the best for us, fed us what was available at the neighborhood grocery store. In adulthood, we have continued eating foods that we've always been told are part of a nutritious diet. We have been eating ourselves to death for the last hundred years or so because we make dietary choices based on fallacious and/or limited beliefs.


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