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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, November 09, 2007

USA - Martin Sheen's letter - Fluoridation hard to swallow

For those that may not know, Martin Sheen is a popular actor. And 17 million people in southern California will soon be receiving fluoridated water from the Metropolitan Water Department and San Diego water companies.

From the Malibu Times
Fluoridation hard to swallow
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
It is with deep concern that this city of Malibu, founded on ecologically sound principles, extending even to marine wildlife, should be subject to the upcoming fluoridation of its water supply. Announced casually in a notice in last month's water bill, it strikes us as a violation of assumed democratic process. Within our health-oriented community, choice is and has always been paramount.

To date, no manufacturer of the actual hydrofluosilicic acid to be used has stated that their specific product is effective at reducing tooth decay when swallowed, or safe for all infants, children and the elderly. The public should be able to view actual dated product review documents that prove the manufacturer has earned certification, as California law requires.

Is it not obvious to all that $20 million could much more effectively be spent on nutrition, oral health education and toothbrushes? These funds could be used for a less toxic, more salutary solution. Caries are caused by poor nutrition and poor oral hygiene, not lack of hydrofluosilicic acid, containing lead and arsenic and other carcinogenic and mutagenic substances).

Please note the recent recall of cold medicines and other infant and children's medications. This, alone, should put us on notice about what we allow corporate decisions to shove down our throats and those of our children. We are not lab rats and reject any attempt to be treated as such'

Martin and Janet Sheen


Take Action To End Fluoridation

New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.

Fluoridation News Releases

Tooth Decay Crises in Fluoridated Areas

Fluoride Action Network http://www.FluorideAction.Net

Fluoride Journal http://www.FluorideResearch.Org


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