USA - Fluoridated water linked to severe maladies
Fluoridated water linked to severe maladies
By Barbara Venezia
Reader Feedback - Currently 11 comment(s) Comments
Something’s about to happen that shouldn’t. Starting in November, the Metropolitan Water District is going to fluoridate our water.
At first blush you think, “it’s no big deal, after all, fluoride prevents cavities.” That’s the propaganda we’ve heard since the 1950s. In reality, fluoride decreases tooth decay only in topical form; when ingested, it doesn’t.
The fluoride dentists use isn’t the same fluoride in our water. The chemicals — fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride — used to fluoridate drinking water are industrial waste products from the phosphate fertilizer, aluminum, steel, glass, cement and other industries. Pro-fluoride experts say they’re safe because treated toxic waste is OK in small amounts for you. Not a recipe for success in my book.
If this toxic material isn’t used as an additive to water, manufacturers would have to pay millions of dollars to dispose of it properly, so the pressure to keep fluoride listed as a “healthy additive” to water is great, and political pressures to keep fluoride in the drinking water is strong. Just follow the money. These industries donate big time to political campaigns.
What’s not considered is that we’re getting fluoride from some vitamin tablets, mouthwashes, toothpaste, processed food and beverages.
Fluoride is accumulative in the body and can reach toxic levels.
Some lesser symptoms may include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased salivation and thirst.
A Harvard study found a connection between fluoride and a serious form of bone cancer in males younger than 20.
The National Research Council found fluoride can cause brain damage, depression and weight gain, and fractures from weakened bones.
The American Dental Association advises parents against giving babies fluoridated water due to the risk of tissue damage, learning disabilities and fluorosis, a discoloration and molting of tooth enamel.
Water districts in cities such as Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz passed protective resolutions or ordinances regarding fluoride. The cities of San Diego and Sunnyvale have ordinances prohibiting fluoridation that pre-date the state’s law.
Ninety-six percent of European countries have banned fluoridated water.
In the early 1960s, when I was growing up in Long Island, N.Y., my mom was part of a group of women who were unsuccessful in preventing fluoridation of our water.
Ten years later, our whole area was considered a cancer cluster.
Looking back, by the 1980s most of the men and women who lived on our street died of some form of cancer.
After a while, people started wondering if something might be wrong with the water.
BARBARA VENEZIA is the chairman of the Santa Ana Hts. Redevelopment Project Advisor Committee and was the co-creator of the cooking show “At Home on the Range” with John Crean.
Reader Feedback
There are 11 comment(s) comments on this story:
Ila Johnson wrote on Nov 1, 2007 4:59 PM:
" We have heard about the negative impact fluoridated water has on plants from the Daily Pilot's columnist, "THE COASTAL GARDENER: Fluoridated water for plaque, not plants", Sept 29, 07) and it isn't good news. I found plenty about the potential harm to animals on the net.There was a huge outcry from cattle ranchers when the fluoride fumes introduced into the air by industry killed cattle. "
Double Edge wrote on Nov 1, 2007 3:24 PM:
" Now we've heard good sound advice why not to put this crap in our water supply because of the harm it can cause to humans. We haven't heard anything about what it can do to our pets, what about plants and wildlife? If the chemical companies extract it from the fertilizer they make is it because fluoride is a negative, or a money maker? Why do we allow MWD to force us to have it if we don't want it? This is really a bunch of fertilizer, remember what the dentist say's when treating with fluoride, "don't swallow it"! "
Dolores O. wrote on Nov 1, 2007 1:10 PM:
" Show up at Municipal water District Meeting. 4 MET members will be there. Met is adding the FSA, Fluosilicic Acid, to our Drinking water agianst our will! Date: November 7, 2007 Time: 8:30 AM Location: Conf. Room 101 Description: Monthly Meeting Municipal Water District of Orange County 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Phone: (714) 963-3058 Fax: (714) 964-9389 Contact: Darcy Burke Director of Public Affairs (714) 593-5014 "
Alan Noble wrote on Nov 1, 2007 12:45 PM:
" As a member of the John Birch Society, I would like to welcome the concerned citizens of Newport Beach to our struggle against fluoridation. The John Birch Society has been the spear point in the fight against fluoridation since the early 1960’s. Back then we faced a mainstream media that labeled us part of the paranoid far-right lunatic fringe. I have always believed though that if we continued to bring our message in front of local councils that new adherents would rally to our cause. It is gratifying to see our efforts gathering fruits in Newport Beach. "
Dolores Otting wrote on Nov 1, 2007 12:41 PM:
" MET had no mandate -they have no hook up connections- The 1995 California passed a law mandating fluoridation drafted as Assembly Bill AB733. It's Principal sponsor was J. Speier with coauthor Willie Brown. The law mandates fluoridation ONLY if funding for the project is obtained. The assembly bill was introduced only after the Clinton Administration's Assistant Surgon General visited the legislature and lobbied for mandatory fluoridation. AB733 Final History AB733 Legislative History California Health & Safety Codes Regarding Fluoridation California Law Providing for Topical Fluoride Treatments in School "
Robin Oliver wrote on Nov 1, 2007 10:13 AM:
" Thank God we have Barbara Venezia on the residents side. The one thing that no one seems to be able to answer is why does the MWD want to add flouride in the first place. The old adage that if its not broken don't fix it seems to apply here. Will someone please come forward to give an unbiased statement on why we have to have our water flouridated. And please not the Daily Pilot editors, but an expert. "
Lori wrote on Nov 1, 2007 9:43 AM:
" Are you reading this Mr. Dodero? These and all of the other reader comments and articles should at some point begin to help you understand how dangerous this forced medication is. You have so strongly come out on the side of (why all the fuss?)The M.W.D. says "rich and poor" benefit from this additive, I doubt the "poor" will be able to afford the bottled water necessary to mix with their babies formula (as recommended) so is it Democratic? of course not, is someone benefiting from this? of course, whoever is providing this garbage to our Water Board! "
Barbara Venezia wrote on Nov 1, 2007 8:21 AM:
" This article was heavily edited by the Daily Pilot to read it in its entirety please go to "
Barbara Venezia wrote on Nov 1, 2007 8:20 AM:
" Important information edited out of this article: A State law signed in 1995 by former Gov. Pete Wilson mandated that all public water supplies with at least 10,000 customers be fluoridated. The law didn’t provide funding to public utilities, so several water agencies held off fluoridation. The MWD received a $5.5 million grant from the California Dental Association Foundation, in conjunction with the California Fluoridation 2010 Work Group. Pharmaceutical and chemical companies support these two organizations. "
NYSCOF wrote on Nov 1, 2007 4:42 AM:
" Long Island is totally not fluoridated now and enjoys among the lowest tooth decay rates in the State which is 72% fluoridated. The evidence shows that fluoridation has failed New York State. See: Lower or not fluoridated NYS counties do not necessarily have more tooth decay "
Ila Johnson wrote on Nov 1, 2007 1:22 AM:
" Thank you Barbara Venezia. It is high time the citizens of this country demand we no longer be subjected to the forced medication thrust on us by water fluoridation. In San Francisco citizens will no longer even have the option to purchase bottled water to mitigate the fluoridation of their water. This the result of a city ordinance banning the sale of it, under the excuse the plastic bottles are a threat to the environment. I guess the S.F. officials haven't heard of recycling. "
Fluoridated water linked to severe maladies
By Barbara Venezia
Reader Feedback - Currently 11 comment(s) Comments
Something’s about to happen that shouldn’t. Starting in November, the Metropolitan Water District is going to fluoridate our water.
At first blush you think, “it’s no big deal, after all, fluoride prevents cavities.” That’s the propaganda we’ve heard since the 1950s. In reality, fluoride decreases tooth decay only in topical form; when ingested, it doesn’t.
The fluoride dentists use isn’t the same fluoride in our water. The chemicals — fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride — used to fluoridate drinking water are industrial waste products from the phosphate fertilizer, aluminum, steel, glass, cement and other industries. Pro-fluoride experts say they’re safe because treated toxic waste is OK in small amounts for you. Not a recipe for success in my book.
If this toxic material isn’t used as an additive to water, manufacturers would have to pay millions of dollars to dispose of it properly, so the pressure to keep fluoride listed as a “healthy additive” to water is great, and political pressures to keep fluoride in the drinking water is strong. Just follow the money. These industries donate big time to political campaigns.
What’s not considered is that we’re getting fluoride from some vitamin tablets, mouthwashes, toothpaste, processed food and beverages.
Fluoride is accumulative in the body and can reach toxic levels.
Some lesser symptoms may include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased salivation and thirst.
A Harvard study found a connection between fluoride and a serious form of bone cancer in males younger than 20.
The National Research Council found fluoride can cause brain damage, depression and weight gain, and fractures from weakened bones.
The American Dental Association advises parents against giving babies fluoridated water due to the risk of tissue damage, learning disabilities and fluorosis, a discoloration and molting of tooth enamel.
Water districts in cities such as Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz passed protective resolutions or ordinances regarding fluoride. The cities of San Diego and Sunnyvale have ordinances prohibiting fluoridation that pre-date the state’s law.
Ninety-six percent of European countries have banned fluoridated water.
In the early 1960s, when I was growing up in Long Island, N.Y., my mom was part of a group of women who were unsuccessful in preventing fluoridation of our water.
Ten years later, our whole area was considered a cancer cluster.
Looking back, by the 1980s most of the men and women who lived on our street died of some form of cancer.
After a while, people started wondering if something might be wrong with the water.
BARBARA VENEZIA is the chairman of the Santa Ana Hts. Redevelopment Project Advisor Committee and was the co-creator of the cooking show “At Home on the Range” with John Crean.
Reader Feedback
There are 11 comment(s) comments on this story:
Ila Johnson wrote on Nov 1, 2007 4:59 PM:
" We have heard about the negative impact fluoridated water has on plants from the Daily Pilot's columnist, "THE COASTAL GARDENER: Fluoridated water for plaque, not plants", Sept 29, 07) and it isn't good news. I found plenty about the potential harm to animals on the net.There was a huge outcry from cattle ranchers when the fluoride fumes introduced into the air by industry killed cattle. "
Double Edge wrote on Nov 1, 2007 3:24 PM:
" Now we've heard good sound advice why not to put this crap in our water supply because of the harm it can cause to humans. We haven't heard anything about what it can do to our pets, what about plants and wildlife? If the chemical companies extract it from the fertilizer they make is it because fluoride is a negative, or a money maker? Why do we allow MWD to force us to have it if we don't want it? This is really a bunch of fertilizer, remember what the dentist say's when treating with fluoride, "don't swallow it"! "
Dolores O. wrote on Nov 1, 2007 1:10 PM:
" Show up at Municipal water District Meeting. 4 MET members will be there. Met is adding the FSA, Fluosilicic Acid, to our Drinking water agianst our will! Date: November 7, 2007 Time: 8:30 AM Location: Conf. Room 101 Description: Monthly Meeting Municipal Water District of Orange County 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Phone: (714) 963-3058 Fax: (714) 964-9389 Contact: Darcy Burke Director of Public Affairs (714) 593-5014 "
Alan Noble wrote on Nov 1, 2007 12:45 PM:
" As a member of the John Birch Society, I would like to welcome the concerned citizens of Newport Beach to our struggle against fluoridation. The John Birch Society has been the spear point in the fight against fluoridation since the early 1960’s. Back then we faced a mainstream media that labeled us part of the paranoid far-right lunatic fringe. I have always believed though that if we continued to bring our message in front of local councils that new adherents would rally to our cause. It is gratifying to see our efforts gathering fruits in Newport Beach. "
Dolores Otting wrote on Nov 1, 2007 12:41 PM:
" MET had no mandate -they have no hook up connections- The 1995 California passed a law mandating fluoridation drafted as Assembly Bill AB733. It's Principal sponsor was J. Speier with coauthor Willie Brown. The law mandates fluoridation ONLY if funding for the project is obtained. The assembly bill was introduced only after the Clinton Administration's Assistant Surgon General visited the legislature and lobbied for mandatory fluoridation. AB733 Final History AB733 Legislative History California Health & Safety Codes Regarding Fluoridation California Law Providing for Topical Fluoride Treatments in School "
Robin Oliver wrote on Nov 1, 2007 10:13 AM:
" Thank God we have Barbara Venezia on the residents side. The one thing that no one seems to be able to answer is why does the MWD want to add flouride in the first place. The old adage that if its not broken don't fix it seems to apply here. Will someone please come forward to give an unbiased statement on why we have to have our water flouridated. And please not the Daily Pilot editors, but an expert. "
Lori wrote on Nov 1, 2007 9:43 AM:
" Are you reading this Mr. Dodero? These and all of the other reader comments and articles should at some point begin to help you understand how dangerous this forced medication is. You have so strongly come out on the side of (why all the fuss?)The M.W.D. says "rich and poor" benefit from this additive, I doubt the "poor" will be able to afford the bottled water necessary to mix with their babies formula (as recommended) so is it Democratic? of course not, is someone benefiting from this? of course, whoever is providing this garbage to our Water Board! "
Barbara Venezia wrote on Nov 1, 2007 8:21 AM:
" This article was heavily edited by the Daily Pilot to read it in its entirety please go to "
Barbara Venezia wrote on Nov 1, 2007 8:20 AM:
" Important information edited out of this article: A State law signed in 1995 by former Gov. Pete Wilson mandated that all public water supplies with at least 10,000 customers be fluoridated. The law didn’t provide funding to public utilities, so several water agencies held off fluoridation. The MWD received a $5.5 million grant from the California Dental Association Foundation, in conjunction with the California Fluoridation 2010 Work Group. Pharmaceutical and chemical companies support these two organizations. "
NYSCOF wrote on Nov 1, 2007 4:42 AM:
" Long Island is totally not fluoridated now and enjoys among the lowest tooth decay rates in the State which is 72% fluoridated. The evidence shows that fluoridation has failed New York State. See: Lower or not fluoridated NYS counties do not necessarily have more tooth decay "
Ila Johnson wrote on Nov 1, 2007 1:22 AM:
" Thank you Barbara Venezia. It is high time the citizens of this country demand we no longer be subjected to the forced medication thrust on us by water fluoridation. In San Francisco citizens will no longer even have the option to purchase bottled water to mitigate the fluoridation of their water. This the result of a city ordinance banning the sale of it, under the excuse the plastic bottles are a threat to the environment. I guess the S.F. officials haven't heard of recycling. "
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