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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, November 17, 2007

UK - Health bosses make new fluoridation bid

Health bosses make new fluoridation bid
By Camilla Sutcliffe
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TEETH CARE: But the fluoride question sparks fierce debate
HEALTH bosses are considering adding fluoride to East Lancashire's water to combat poor dental health.
Comments from readers

8:56pm Thursday 15th November 2007
CommentPosted by: Gerry, Darwen on 12:19pm Fri 16 Nov 07
Flouride is, of course, the active ingredient in rat poison albeit at a higher dose. It has also been suggested that it is commonly derived as a by-product of industrial/nuclear waste.
Flouride is, of course, the active ingredient in rat poison albeit at a higher dose.

It has also been suggested that it is commonly derived as a by-product of industrial/nuclear waste.Quote | Report this postPosted by: nyscof, USA on 12:51pm

Fri 16 Nov 07
Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth. No East Lancashire resident is fluoride deficient. There is no scientifically valid reason for adding fluoride chemicals into anyone's drinking water. The British Medical Journal recently reported that British researchers scoured the literature to find 3200 fluoridation/fluorid e studies but no study could prove that fluoridation is safe or effective.
Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth. No East Lancashire resident is fluoride deficient.

There is no scientifically valid reason for adding fluoride chemicals into anyone's drinking water. The British Medical Journal recently reported that British researchers scoured the literature to find 3200 fluoridation/fluorid
e studies but no study could prove that fluoridation is safe or effective.Quote |

Posted by: barry, mill hill on 3:14pm Fri 16 Nov 07
why dont they add a bit of good old cyanide too, that will solve the housing problems in east lancashire

Quote | Report this postPosted by: Anita Knight, St. Petersburg, FL, USA on 3:24am today
Look up Fluorine, the element that forms fluorides, and see the history. Most reactive of all elements, will form compounds with all. Calcium in high levels forms insoluble complexes and unabsorbable in the gastrointestinal tract. No good in our bodies.
Look up Fluorine, the element that forms fluorides, and see the history. Most reactive of all elements, will form compounds with all. Calcium in high levels forms insoluble complexes and unabsorbable in the gastrointestinal tract. No good in our bodies.

Posted by: Jason, across the pond on 3:34am today
If these health "bosses" are willing to testify under oath that fluoridation is both safe and effective, only then should we consider such a move. It would surprise me if such an event ever occurred because not a single dentist worth their salt could make such an ignorant claim (under oath, that is). No to fluoridation!
If these health "bosses" are willing to testify under oath that fluoridation is both safe and effective, only then should we consider such a move.

It would surprise me if such an event ever occurred because not a single dentist worth their salt could make such an ignorant claim (under oath, that is).

No to fluoridation!


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