Eight causes of disease, along with a closer look at how to combat it
Carol Rossetti: Eight causes of disease, along with a closer look at how to combat it
Written by Carol Rossetti, Posted on 10-25-2007 15:59
Healthy means Happy! One of the biggest problems with today’s mainstream healthcare is that it often seeks only to treat the symptoms of disease, not the cause or origin of it. For instance, one of the symptoms of arthritis is pain. Some of the most commonly prescribed medications used to “treat” arthritis are painkillers. While they may help take away the pain, they certainly don’t take away the arthritis itself, and as soon as the effects of the drug wear off, the pain is still there. It’s a backward, shortsighted system.
When I was asked to teach at Butler in the Pharmacology Department, I was elated that such a prestigious university would ask a Naturopath to teach their pharmacy students about nutriceuticals and dietary supplements. This is truly forward thinking and certainly a step in the right direction.
So what are the eight causes of disease?
1. Deficiencies, 2. Contagions, 3. Immune Dysfunction, 4. Abnormal metabolism, 5. Stress, 6. Injuries, 7. Genetics/Age, 8. Toxins/Free Radicals
It’s important to remember that each cause promotes a specific health risk, and the more causes you suffer from, the higher your risk of disease. In fact, your risk can increase exponentially in some cases. On the other hand, your risk of serious disease significantly decreases as you address each individual cause. And as you prevent multiple causes, your body’s ability to prevent disease improves dramatically.I’m going to deal with each of the causes listed in above in an overview and maybe more in-depth in later articles.
Nutrient Deficiency/Malnutrition:
The USDA reports that approximately 92 percent of Americans do not receive sufficient nutrients in their diet. The cumulative effects of minor deficiencies are deadly. Mounting scientific research shows that the risk of “lifestyle” diseases like diabetes, gout, arthritis, heart di
sease, IBS, and stroke are substantially reduced through proper diet. Nutrition Equals Prevention.
Water Deficiency/Dehydration:
The least expensive supplement. If the body doesn’t have sufficient water to fulfill all its biochemical needs, all kinds of problems can result. These include headache, confusion, fatigue, constipation, shakiness, tremors, irregular heartbeat, swelling, depression, coma, low blood pressure, and immune disorders.
Wow! Just water, imagine that! Reverse Osmosis is the best if you are going to do it at home as it removes both the chlorine and the fluoride. Both are extremely toxic to the body.
Take your weight and divide it in half to get the minimum number of ounces of water you need each day.
Sound like a lot? That’s probably because you are continually dehydrating yourself.
Sleep Deficiency:
‘To Sleep Per Chance to Dream’. Scientists tell us that a growing number of health problems are linked to low-quality, low-quantity sleep, including immune dysfunction, digestive problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attach, and stroke. We need to be asleep between the hours of 10 pm and 2 am to give our natural killer cells (those that keep us healthy) time to replenish. Between 3 am and 5 am our liver is regenerating itself.
Exercise Deficiency:
We live in a world of sit down work, sit down play, and sit down every thing else. After diet, exercise is probably the one factor that most affects our health. Research shows that as little as 20 minutes of exercise three times a week can have significant benefits.
Each of the three in the series will also start to address and provide beginning solutions. The first is making sure you eat the best quality food possible. You will need less to satisfy your hunger if you eat organic because it feeds your body what it craves so you need less to satisfy the cravings. Secondly, start addressing the nutrients that are impossible to get from our depleted soil. There are some very good whole food vitamins and minerals in the healthfood stores. One of the ones I like best is called Super Trio. It contains vitamins and minerals, Omega 3 (more about that later), and a very high Antioxidant for anti-aging.
I like it because it also addresses our busyness by providing it in two packets of three capsules each. Pop them in your pocket or purse and out the door you go. I find people don’t want to take the time to count things out. They want it easy to grab and run. In most cases, one pill a day just isn’t going to provide you with the core nutrition in a safe and natural form that your body needs. Even today’s experts including the American Medical Association is recommending that the public take a vitamin-mineral supplements. Super Supplemental is a great, very absorbable vitamin-mineral supplement. If you have osteoporosis, you should take MultiVitamin TR by Nature’s Sunshine as it contains 1,000 IU of vitamin D that the National Institute of Health says will reverse osteoporosis. Also, D3 in amount near 2,000 IU have shown remarkable results with Osteoporosis.
Colloidal Minerals are a great way to get all the trace elements that may be missing in your diet. Low magnesium affects your mood, low potassium affects your body’s fluid balance.
Number Two in the series will deal with Contagions, Immune Dysfunction, Metabolism and Stress.Be Well.
Carol Rossetti is a Doctor of Naturopathy and the owner of Wellness By Nature, a Wellness Clinic and Herb Shop located at 14300 Mundy Drive, No. 400, Noblesville. She can
Written by Carol Rossetti, Posted on 10-25-2007 15:59
Healthy means Happy! One of the biggest problems with today’s mainstream healthcare is that it often seeks only to treat the symptoms of disease, not the cause or origin of it. For instance, one of the symptoms of arthritis is pain. Some of the most commonly prescribed medications used to “treat” arthritis are painkillers. While they may help take away the pain, they certainly don’t take away the arthritis itself, and as soon as the effects of the drug wear off, the pain is still there. It’s a backward, shortsighted system.
When I was asked to teach at Butler in the Pharmacology Department, I was elated that such a prestigious university would ask a Naturopath to teach their pharmacy students about nutriceuticals and dietary supplements. This is truly forward thinking and certainly a step in the right direction.
So what are the eight causes of disease?
1. Deficiencies, 2. Contagions, 3. Immune Dysfunction, 4. Abnormal metabolism, 5. Stress, 6. Injuries, 7. Genetics/Age, 8. Toxins/Free Radicals
It’s important to remember that each cause promotes a specific health risk, and the more causes you suffer from, the higher your risk of disease. In fact, your risk can increase exponentially in some cases. On the other hand, your risk of serious disease significantly decreases as you address each individual cause. And as you prevent multiple causes, your body’s ability to prevent disease improves dramatically.I’m going to deal with each of the causes listed in above in an overview and maybe more in-depth in later articles.
Nutrient Deficiency/Malnutrition:
The USDA reports that approximately 92 percent of Americans do not receive sufficient nutrients in their diet. The cumulative effects of minor deficiencies are deadly. Mounting scientific research shows that the risk of “lifestyle” diseases like diabetes, gout, arthritis, heart di
sease, IBS, and stroke are substantially reduced through proper diet. Nutrition Equals Prevention.
Water Deficiency/Dehydration:
The least expensive supplement. If the body doesn’t have sufficient water to fulfill all its biochemical needs, all kinds of problems can result. These include headache, confusion, fatigue, constipation, shakiness, tremors, irregular heartbeat, swelling, depression, coma, low blood pressure, and immune disorders.
Wow! Just water, imagine that! Reverse Osmosis is the best if you are going to do it at home as it removes both the chlorine and the fluoride. Both are extremely toxic to the body.
Take your weight and divide it in half to get the minimum number of ounces of water you need each day.
Sound like a lot? That’s probably because you are continually dehydrating yourself.
Sleep Deficiency:
‘To Sleep Per Chance to Dream’. Scientists tell us that a growing number of health problems are linked to low-quality, low-quantity sleep, including immune dysfunction, digestive problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attach, and stroke. We need to be asleep between the hours of 10 pm and 2 am to give our natural killer cells (those that keep us healthy) time to replenish. Between 3 am and 5 am our liver is regenerating itself.
Exercise Deficiency:
We live in a world of sit down work, sit down play, and sit down every thing else. After diet, exercise is probably the one factor that most affects our health. Research shows that as little as 20 minutes of exercise three times a week can have significant benefits.
Each of the three in the series will also start to address and provide beginning solutions. The first is making sure you eat the best quality food possible. You will need less to satisfy your hunger if you eat organic because it feeds your body what it craves so you need less to satisfy the cravings. Secondly, start addressing the nutrients that are impossible to get from our depleted soil. There are some very good whole food vitamins and minerals in the healthfood stores. One of the ones I like best is called Super Trio. It contains vitamins and minerals, Omega 3 (more about that later), and a very high Antioxidant for anti-aging.
I like it because it also addresses our busyness by providing it in two packets of three capsules each. Pop them in your pocket or purse and out the door you go. I find people don’t want to take the time to count things out. They want it easy to grab and run. In most cases, one pill a day just isn’t going to provide you with the core nutrition in a safe and natural form that your body needs. Even today’s experts including the American Medical Association is recommending that the public take a vitamin-mineral supplements. Super Supplemental is a great, very absorbable vitamin-mineral supplement. If you have osteoporosis, you should take MultiVitamin TR by Nature’s Sunshine as it contains 1,000 IU of vitamin D that the National Institute of Health says will reverse osteoporosis. Also, D3 in amount near 2,000 IU have shown remarkable results with Osteoporosis.
Colloidal Minerals are a great way to get all the trace elements that may be missing in your diet. Low magnesium affects your mood, low potassium affects your body’s fluid balance.
Number Two in the series will deal with Contagions, Immune Dysfunction, Metabolism and Stress.Be Well.
Carol Rossetti is a Doctor of Naturopathy and the owner of Wellness By Nature, a Wellness Clinic and Herb Shop located at 14300 Mundy Drive, No. 400, Noblesville. She can
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