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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

California - Corning Fluoride petition to be presented Thursday

Fluoride petition to be presented Thursday
September 25, 2007
• Corning may vote on fluoridation
CORNING – The Corning City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday to accept petitions calling for a referendum to block fluoridation of the city’s water supply.
Mayor Frank Coccho said he scheduled the meeting at the request of Kirk Huttleston, who organized the petition campaign.
Huttleston said Monday he hoped to present the petition today during a council workshop on design standards for downtown projects. He said more than 350 people have signed the petition – more than the 306 necessary to force a referendum.
The petitions will go from the city to the Steuben County Board of Elections, which will determine if there are enough valid signatures to schedule a referendum Nov. 6.


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