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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Australia - Poison drains into river daily

Poison drains into river daily
IT is illegal for anyone to dump fluorosilic acid (FSA/hydrofluorocilicic acid) into the environment because it is a very toxic S6 poison.FSA can also be classified as an S5 or S7 poison depending on its toxicity as stated in the National Drugs and Poisons Schedule.It is illegal to allow even one litre of this substance to enter the environment, which includes waterways.
Any individual or business caught doing so is prosecuted.Fluoridation of Wodonga’s water supply will add on average 6445 litres of pure industrial fluorosilic acid (an industrial waste by-product) to our water supply every year.Ninety eight per cent of that fluorosilic acid then ends up in the river.If the health department deliberately dumped any FSA into the river it would be a crime.But through Wodonga’s water supply, FSA will be dumped at a rate of 17.66 litres of FSA every day of the year.The EPA does not appear to care and does not monitor the fluoride levels in the river.How many towns along the Murray River have water fluoridation?
How much fluoride is added to the river?
The EPA says that monitoring the levels of fluoride, or fluorosilic acid, entering the river is not its job.The EPA stated that it did not know who monitored fluoride.
But it suggested that I contact the Department of Sustainability, who in turn referred me back to the EPA because it’s not their job either.
Fluoride Education Awareness Team, Wodonga


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