Australia - Soft-drinks' rotting baby teeth' 75% of Australia is fluoridated:NYSCOF
BABIES will undergo dental checks at 12 months after a disturbing rise in the number of infants being hospitalised with rotting teeth.Health officials say the problem is caused by parents feeding babies bottles of sugar-laced cordials and soft drinks.
Yet to be released data from the 2006 NSW chief health officer's report show 420 per 100,000 children aged 0-4 years old were hospitalised for dental treatment last financial year. This is up from 325 per 100,000 in 1997-98.
NSW chief dental officer Dr Clive Wright said babies are showing tooth decay at 12 months after being fed sugary soft-drinks, juice and cordial in their bottles.
"We would argue high density foods and high sugar drinks and cordial have been a feature in the growth of dental decay of young children,'' he said.
"Parents are giving bottles with cordial or sweetened material in them to children. They are used as pacifiers. "They often put Coca-Cola into a feeding bottle for kids.'' Dr Wright said babies would receive dental checks when they are immunised at 12 months as part of a new preventative approach to dental care.
"We will be embarking on an early childhood oral health program looking at children before they are going to school,'' he said.
"They will look into children's mouths as early as 12 months.
"Child family nurses when they do immunisation at 12 months will have a look in the mouth and if they observe anything that is different refer that child to early intervention.
"We are trying to break the cycle of letting dental decay accumulate in the early years.''
The dental checks for 12-month old babies is expected be in place by 2008 to 2009.
Under a separate program, 8000 children aged five to 12, at up to 90 schools, will also be surveyed for dental decay and teething problems.
They will have a letter sent home to their parents with a report on the condition of their teeth and whether they require any treatment.
The survey, which is being undertaken Australia-wide, will enable Governments to have an accurate picture of the condition of children's teeth.
It will also record whether a child has had exposure to fluoride drinking water.
"It is a random survey and will involve 8000 children. It will cover the eight area health services and will be weighted to five and six-year-olds and 12-year-olds,'' Dr Wright said.
Yet to be released data from the 2006 NSW chief health officer's report show 420 per 100,000 children aged 0-4 years old were hospitalised for dental treatment last financial year. This is up from 325 per 100,000 in 1997-98.
NSW chief dental officer Dr Clive Wright said babies are showing tooth decay at 12 months after being fed sugary soft-drinks, juice and cordial in their bottles.
"We would argue high density foods and high sugar drinks and cordial have been a feature in the growth of dental decay of young children,'' he said.
"Parents are giving bottles with cordial or sweetened material in them to children. They are used as pacifiers. "They often put Coca-Cola into a feeding bottle for kids.'' Dr Wright said babies would receive dental checks when they are immunised at 12 months as part of a new preventative approach to dental care.
"We will be embarking on an early childhood oral health program looking at children before they are going to school,'' he said.
"They will look into children's mouths as early as 12 months.
"Child family nurses when they do immunisation at 12 months will have a look in the mouth and if they observe anything that is different refer that child to early intervention.
"We are trying to break the cycle of letting dental decay accumulate in the early years.''
The dental checks for 12-month old babies is expected be in place by 2008 to 2009.
Under a separate program, 8000 children aged five to 12, at up to 90 schools, will also be surveyed for dental decay and teething problems.
They will have a letter sent home to their parents with a report on the condition of their teeth and whether they require any treatment.
The survey, which is being undertaken Australia-wide, will enable Governments to have an accurate picture of the condition of children's teeth.
It will also record whether a child has had exposure to fluoride drinking water.
"It is a random survey and will involve 8000 children. It will cover the eight area health services and will be weighted to five and six-year-olds and 12-year-olds,'' Dr Wright said.
Bill... Australia is 90% Fluoridated...the exemplatory Convict colony...why therefore if Fluoride is the best thing since sliced bread is there ALL THIS DECAY... Could it be that it just doesn't work?
Middle Child, at 28 November, 2006
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