USA -Why Baby Formula and Tap Water Don't Mix

It's a health warning all parents of babies should know about.
Fluoride is added to the tap water in most water districts in Tennessee.
The American Dental Association says this prevents tooth decay, but this month an advisory was added to their website. Do not mix fluoridated water with your baby's formula. Fluoride added to our water to help strengthen our teeth and prevent cavities but some are saying it may do more harm than good.
Fluoride is a poision that can be a harmful substance when it comes in the body in certain amounts.
Health researcher Dan Stockin worries that severe dental fluorosis like this is a warning to a deeper danger. "It's turning out now that thyroid disease, kidney damage, bone cancer in young boys, a number of these things are tied to drinking fluoridated water." Just this month the American Dental Association warned that powdered baby formula should not be mixed with fluoridated tap water due to a higher risk of fluorosis. That's a warning that mother, Brea Faeth wishes she had gotten a little sooner. "It's a little scary. You know to be specifically told to use tap water because of the little bit of fluoride that is added to it unlike bottled water and now to hearthat that could be causing damage is scary." Pediatric dentist Jeannie Taylor has seen a lot of young teeth. " I couldn't really believe it when I heard about it, but it makes a lot of sense. With little ones they don't need quite as much fluoride, they're more sensitive to the levels in the water and to tell you the truth I have seen especially on the front teeth, a good number of children with the white streaks, the fluorisis on their teeth and it could be as a result of this." Stockin says the fluoride in the water coming out of most of our taps comes from a surprising source. "It's collected in the formof a liquid in air pollution collection devices on smokestacks at phosphate fertilizer factories in Louisiana and central Florida, that's literally where we get the substance that we fluoridate with." Fluoride in our tap water does have many known benefits according to Jeannie Taylor. " I think it should definitely be in our water. there has been such a difference documented over the last 50 years in the number of cavities and the severity of cavities so, I think it's a good thing I just think it needs to be monitored, especially with babies." Brea Faeth is glad that her daughter Gentry will soon be saying bye bye to formula."She's almost one year old so she'll be on the whole milk now and she won't be using the formula so that is good we won't be doing that anymore but it is scary to know she went for six months on tap water formula."
In its mild form, dental fluorosis appears as permanent white lines on your kids teeth. To avoid the fluoride in tap water, you'll have to use bottled water or add special filters to your home. Common charcoal filters like the ones found in refrigerators, don't filter out fluoride. You can also call your water company and ask them to stop fluoridating the water in your district, it is voluntary forthe water districts in Tennessee. Researcher Dan Stockin says if you really believe in fluoride, use fluoride toothpaste and then spit
Video well worth looking at - the NHS fluoride proponents ought to see it.
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