My letter to Lady Gardner I won't hold my breath for a reply
The Rt Hon.Baroness Trixie Gardner
House of Lords
2nd July 06
Dear Lady Trixie Gardner
I came across the article,5936,19342811%255E912,00.html in an Australian newspaper about your position in the House of Lords and learnt that you are instrumental in the push to fluoridate the UK. Have you ever considered that you may be wrong about fluoride considering that the York Report the government funded enquiry did not find evidence that fluoride was either effective or safe. I know Professor Trevor Sheldon, MSc, MSc, DSc, FMedSci. who led the team is against fluoridation. You can read a letter he wrote to the National Pure Water Association protesting as to how the British Fluoride Society and the British Dental Association twisted their findings. Did you know this?
Despite what the BFS and the BDA say there has been no worthy investigation since. The Newcastle investigation was rubbish just on a few young fit students and even then one result was discarded because its finding did not fit the norm.
Did you know about the Harvard Professor paid by Colgate who hid the fact that an accredited PHD student found a connection between osteosarcoma and boys? Did you know about the New Zealand dentist who was instrumental in getting fluoridation started in NZ who turned against it? I've just heard Professor Paul Connett a toxicologist and his argument is devastating against fluoridation but will anybody from the BFS or the NHS debate with him - no chance.
I could go on but I'm sure you would not read it and a search on the internet will find more facts that I can relate.
I'm sure you are aware of Lord Edward Baldwin's opposition to fluoridation and he too served on the York panel. Does none of this persuade you to wonder if you are right?
Yours sincerely,
Bill Edmunds
House of Lords
2nd July 06
Dear Lady Trixie Gardner
I came across the article,5936,19342811%255E912,00.html in an Australian newspaper about your position in the House of Lords and learnt that you are instrumental in the push to fluoridate the UK. Have you ever considered that you may be wrong about fluoride considering that the York Report the government funded enquiry did not find evidence that fluoride was either effective or safe. I know Professor Trevor Sheldon, MSc, MSc, DSc, FMedSci. who led the team is against fluoridation. You can read a letter he wrote to the National Pure Water Association protesting as to how the British Fluoride Society and the British Dental Association twisted their findings. Did you know this?
Despite what the BFS and the BDA say there has been no worthy investigation since. The Newcastle investigation was rubbish just on a few young fit students and even then one result was discarded because its finding did not fit the norm.
Did you know about the Harvard Professor paid by Colgate who hid the fact that an accredited PHD student found a connection between osteosarcoma and boys? Did you know about the New Zealand dentist who was instrumental in getting fluoridation started in NZ who turned against it? I've just heard Professor Paul Connett a toxicologist and his argument is devastating against fluoridation but will anybody from the BFS or the NHS debate with him - no chance.
I could go on but I'm sure you would not read it and a search on the internet will find more facts that I can relate.
I'm sure you are aware of Lord Edward Baldwin's opposition to fluoridation and he too served on the York panel. Does none of this persuade you to wonder if you are right?
Yours sincerely,
Bill Edmunds
Has the good LADY responded?
Middle Child, at 11 June, 2006
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