UK to be fluoridated this year
‘The Skeptic.’ How the Medical Establishment Covers Up the Harms of Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water. By Robert Carnaghan. April 2022.
The addition of a fluoride, such as hexafluorosilicic acid or disodium hexafluorosilicate, to public water supplies has been recommended in a joint statement by the four Chief Medical Officers of UK. The Government’s Health and Care Bill, which has reached its final stages in Parliament, includes a small section to facilitate water fluoridation, which is now expected to be spread throughout the UK. Although water is already fluoridated in a few parts of UK (mainly Birmingham), for nearly 40 years no new schemes have been implemented since local opposition managed to defeat them all. The Govt is determined to impose its wishes.
For about 70 years it’s been claimed that fluoridation reduces dental decay. Although there is abundant evidence showing that fluoridation is neither effective nor safe, the proponents of fluoridation have long had the advantage of far greater funding than the sceptics. The original trials were studied by Dr Philip Sutton in Australia who graduated with honours in Dental Science. Asked to examine the trials, he found they were of low quality, full of errors & omissions. In Austria, Rudolf Ziegelbecker studied the original fluoridation trials & found they did not show what had been claimed. Prof Erich Naumann, Director of German Federal Health Office, said of him: “Your results have been accepted everywhere in Germany with the greatest interest & have increased the grave doubts against drinking water fluoridation.” Prof Naumann added: “It is regrettable that the existing data on water fluoridation had not been examined earlier using mathematical-statistical methods. Otherwise the myth of drinking water fluoridation would have already dissolved into air long ago.”
When the UK pilot studies started, it was officially stated that they should include “full medical & dental examinations at all ages”, but no medical examinations were done, & neither short-term nor long-term possible harms were explored. This lack of concern continues, with a general failure in fluoridated countries to monitor fluoride exposure or side effects. In 2000, a major report by Centre for Reviews & Dissemination at University of York concluded that, despite many studies over 50 years, “We were unable to discover any reliable good-quality evidence in the fluoridation literature world-wide”. Even among the 26 better studies on fluoridation & tooth decay, not one was evaluated as “high quality, with bias unlikely”.
In 2015, a Cochrane review added: “There is very little contemporary evidence, meeting the review’s inclusion criteria, that has evaluated the effectiveness of water fluoridation for the prevention of caries.” When Israel ended fluoridation in 2014-15, partly because of health concerns, its Ministry of Health pointed out that WHO data indicated no significant difference in the level of tooth decay between countries that fluoridate & those that do not fluoridate. A trial in Hastings in New Zealand was widely reported as a classic case of the benefit of fluoridation. However, when New Zealand passed freedom-of-information legislation, two university researchers were able to access the original records, which revealed that the published results were fraudulent. One of those involved in running the trials was asked for an explanation but he did not even try to justify the published results. Not only is there a great absence of good quality evidence that fluoridation significantly reduces tooth decay, there has, especially in recent years, been growing evidence that it is harmful.
In 2006, a major report by U.S National Research Council said that fluoride exposure is plausibly associated with neurotoxicity, gastrointestinal problems, endocrine problems & other ailments. It was also unable to rule out an increased risk of cancer & Down’s Syndrome. In 2017, a team of experts in Chile, supported by Medical College of Chile, concluded that fluoridation is ineffectual & harmful. Fluoride occurs naturally in a few water supplies - but so does arsenic. A recent Swedish study shows an increased prevalence of hip fracture in post-menopausal women associated with long-term exposure to natural fluoride at levels in water in the same range as used in parts of UK for artificial fluoridation.
(My comment: There are a few more very revealing paragraphs, but it’s getting rather long, so to see it all click on:
Info on: Fluoride Free Alliance U.K Fluoride Action Network & Stop Fluoridation U.K
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