The Real Reason Behind Water Fluoridation — Is Not to Benefit Children’s Teeth
Fluoride is the total worst, rat poison, neurotoxin, absolutely of no value to the human body, carcinogen, causes ADD, avoid at all cost.........

- Fluoride is being added to the water of everyone, even if some people do not want it and still others do not even know about the fluoride being added to the water or about its health risks.
- Lack of safety for this chemical and its health risks.
- Fluoride is not a required component for human growth and development.
- Fluoride has been recognized as one of 12 industrial chemicals known to cause developmental neurotoxicity in human beings.
- Researchers have challenged the alleged safety and effectiveness of fluoride.
- Fluoride is known to impact the cardiovascular, central nervous, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, renal, respiratory, and skeletal systems
- Exposure to fluoride has been linked to
- Alzheimer’s disease
- cancer
- diabetes
- heart disease
- infertility
- fluoride toxicity
- Many other adverse health outcomes
- Since water fluoridation began in 1940s, an array of products containing fluoride have been introduced to the average consumer including
- There is no current accurate estimate of just how much fluoride people are taking in from all of these sources.
- Dental fluorosis is recognized as the first visible sign of fluoride toxicity. According to 2010 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 23% of Americans aged 6-49 and 41% of children aged 12-15 exhibit fluorosis to some degree.
- A bottle-fed baby in a fluoridated area gets up to 200 times more fluoride than a breast-fed baby, resulting in an increased risk of dental fluorosis and other adverse effects.
- Fluoride added to many water supplies attracts lead, which can be found in certain plumbing pipes. Fluoride has been linked to higher blood lead levels in children.
- Decreased decayed, missing, and filled teeth has occurred both in countries with and without the systemic application of fluoridated water. Fluoride primarily works to reduce tooth decay topically (i.e. scrubbing it directly onto to teeth with a toothbrush), as opposed to drinking or ingesting fluoride through water.
- Fluoride’s ties to the phosphate fertilizer and dental industries is suspicious and may help prevent articles published that are critical of fluoride.
- Research has indicated that fluoride does not aid in preventing pit and fissure decay (the most prevalent form of tooth decay in the U.S.)
- Research has indicated that fluoride does not aid in preventing baby bottle tooth decay (prevalent in poor communities).
- Research has suggested that in malnourished children and individuals of lower socio-economic status, fluoride can increase the risk of dental caries due to calcium depletion and other circumstances.
- People on low incomes are least able to afford avoidance measures (reverse osmosis or bottled water) or medical and dental treatment for dental fluorosis and other fluoride-related ailments.
- Animals are exposed to fluoride in the environment through pollution of air, water, soil, and food.
- Harmful effects of fluoride, including species vulnerability, have been reported in an array of wild animals. Even domestic pets have been subjects of reports raising concerns about fluoride exposure, especially through their water and food.
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