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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

UK - Worrying stats reveal barely half of Black Country kids are going to the dentist

NHS dental figures have revealed barely half of the children living in Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton saw a dentist last year, despite the fact it is free
Shocking statistics show barely half of kids in parts of the Black Country went to the dentist last year - despite the fact it’s free.

That’s according to new analysis of NHS dental figures.

The stats show that 36,137 youngsters across Dudley saw a dentist in 2018/19, which works out as just 52.5 per cent of the area’s child population.

Elsewhere, 54.3 per cent of kids in Walsall, 55.0 per cent in Sandwell and 56.6 per cent in Wolverhampton also went to the dentist last year.

Campaigners have said such low uptake is concerning, especially because dental treatment for children is free...........


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