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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Australia - Number crunch: Council challenged on fluoride survey and figures

A GALLERY packed with fluoridation opponents at Oberon Council's most recent ordinary meeting heard Hardy Draheim make a presentation questioning how the numbers were crunched before council decided to add fluoride to the town's reticulated water supply.
Mr Draheim challenged the figures supplied to council from a survey conducted by the Social Research Centre (SRC) on behalf of - and paid for by - NSW Health to gauge the Oberon community's views on the fluoridation of the town water supply. 
“Council alleged the survey was the only one to be trusted as SRC is professional, reputable and impartial, showing the only true representation,” Mr Draheim said.
"Residents living out of town using tank or bore water will never receive one drop of fluoridated water, yet they were used to manipulate council: 132 out-of-town respondents not connected to the RWS [reticulated water supply] were allowed to vote [in favour]."....


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