California - New Ballot Initiative Would Ban GMO Food, End Vaccination Requirements

The initiative would prohibit treatment of water with fluoride or chlorine, regulate vaccine ingredients and eliminate vaccination as a prerequisite for attendance at schools and daycare facilities.
What proponent Cheriel Jensen has dubbed the “California Clean Environment Initiative” would also create the California Clean Environment Authority that would regulate environmental activities, modify projects having pollution and radiation impacts, and test and approve substances before they can be introduced in California.
The authority would be governed by a three-person board elected statewide.
Jensen said Wednesday she was prompted to write the initiative because she believes cancer, autism and other diseases are linked to exposure to toxic chemicals, genetically modified organisms or radiation.
If the initiative were to become law, it would result in a substantial net change in state and local finances, according to an analysis made by the Legislative Analyst’s Office and Department of Finance.
Valid signatures from 365,880 registered voters — 5 percent of the total votes cast for governor in the 2014 general election — must be submitted by Aug. 6 to qualify the measure for the November ballot, Padilla said.
—City News Service
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