Canada - Council hears water fluoridation presentation
Fluoride was originally introduced into drinking water in Canada as a means of reducing tooth decay in the general population.
The council said the issue of water fluoridation had come before them previously in 2011, but as new research is made available, they understand the need to re-examine the issue.
Melissa Williams argues that with the recent categorization of fluoride as a developmental neurotoxin, it should not be added to the City’s drinking water.
“[Fluoride is] now in the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury,” Williams argued. “A developmental neurotoxin affects the brain, autism, hyper deficit disorders and learning disabilities.”
While many Canadian municipalities have been moving away from fluoridating the water supply, the research is at this time inconclusive about the benefits or detriments it provides.
“Informed consent is a standard practice in all medicine,” Williams stated about the addition of fluoride by the City to the water supply. “With water fluoridation we are forcing people to take medicines without consent, something a doctor cannot do with an individual patient.”
Coun. Bob Buckle pointed out that over 90 national and international health organizations endorse fluoridation of water in municipalities.
Coun. Chris Vining mentioned Calgary voted to stop fluoridating drinking water in 2011 and since then tooth decay in children has worsened.
Mayor Craig Copeland noted that the issue is currently a hot topic across the province.
“I know with City of Edmonton it’s being covered in their media as part of their election process as a question on their ballot, so people are talking about it,” Copeland said.
The issue will be discussed further at upcoming council meetings.
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