If you’re not familiar with the fluoride in the water supply issue here is a good recent article from KTOO.
The less-than-kind response from the political establishment to the anti-fluoride effort hasn’t stopped one earnest young candidate from making it his signature issue. Dustin Darden has run almost continuously the last two years for Anchorage Mayor, Assembly, and State House, and each of his campaigns has made fluoride one of his key issues.
While Darden isn’t currently registered as a candidate for any office, he is still campaigning against his old nemesis, fluoride. This time that campaign is taking the form of two voter initiatives. One would require the firms supplying Anchorage with fluoride for our drinking water to provide more detailed information on the contents of the product and certify its safety for human ingestion. The other initiative would stop the fluoridation of Anchorage’s water supply altogether.................
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