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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Alex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times

Everyone loves a miracle, and as cancer rates continue to rise around the world, those who are able to beat cancer and survive the chemotherapy and radiation industry are walking, talking proof that miracles do happen.

After thyroid cancer spread throughout her body, Candice-Marie Fox decided to try what many consider to be a radical approach to confronting cancer… she changed her diet, her attitude and her lifestyle, and she is winning.

Diagnosed with stage 3 thyroid cancer when she was just 28, the fear and uncertainty she felt led her to accept her doctor’s advice, electing to have a first round of surgery and radiation which removed her thyroid and portions of her lymph nodes. A little more radiation was supposed to do the trick, yet when she returned for a scan, she was shocked to learn cancer had metastasized throughout her back, chest, neck and a lung, an aggressive situation likely to kill her in less than a calendar year.

Her chances were grim, and having already seen friends suffer horribly through chemo and radiation, she took a chance and opted to go it alone, stepping outside of the medical establishment to educate herself, triggering a total personal transformation.............


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