now in print: Tobacco & Fluoride

Tobacco control policies have gained significant traction as nations around the world evaluate the success of Australia’s recent laws concerning cigarette packaging. Given impetus by the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, these policies have met with little public resistance, their sole opponents the companies which manufacture tobacco products.
At the same time, another movement has gained traction: the opposition to adding fluoride to municipal water systems. Though the World Health Organization advocates fluoridation, a growing number of researchers and voters have called its touted benefits into question. Unlike tobacco, the efforts to eliminate fluoride have met resistance from the medical establishment.
What is the future of these two substances, each known to have harmful effects on human beings and yet viewed so differently in the court of public opinion? The two essays in this affordable, 70-page booklet will answer that question.
Tobacco & Fluoride: Two Essays on Domestic and International Public Health Policy is now available in paperback and in a Kindle version.
It sits well on the shelf with the essays collected in Patents & Public Health: Two Essays on Medicine and Genetics as Intellectual Property.
It sits well on the shelf with the essays collected in Patents & Public Health: Two Essays on Medicine and Genetics as Intellectual Property.
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