Australia - Tooth decay bigger issue than asthma
Tooth decay bigger issue than asthma
Liam Croy, The West AustralianUpdated August 6, 2012, 2:15 am
Tooth decay is an epidemic in Australia and more than 30 per cent of people only brush their teeth once a day, according to the Australian Dental Association.
It was the country's most common health problem, which cost the economy $2 billion a year, but it was also one of the most preventable, the ADA said as it launched Dental Health Week today.
Although tooth decay was five times more prevalent than asthma in children, 35 per cent of parents said their children only brushed once a day and 60 per cent expected them to have tooth decay.........
Fluoridated Australia
Liam Croy, The West AustralianUpdated August 6, 2012, 2:15 am
Tooth decay is an epidemic in Australia and more than 30 per cent of people only brush their teeth once a day, according to the Australian Dental Association.
It was the country's most common health problem, which cost the economy $2 billion a year, but it was also one of the most preventable, the ADA said as it launched Dental Health Week today.
Although tooth decay was five times more prevalent than asthma in children, 35 per cent of parents said their children only brushed once a day and 60 per cent expected them to have tooth decay.........
Fluoridated Australia
I really consider Tooth decay to be a greater issue, however, asthma is one of the serious issue which can serious consequences.
Brethine is a valuable medicine to provide relief from asthma attacks.
Thank you for bringing into notice the issue of Tooth decay.
Mynix Blue, at 06 August, 2012
Teeth Decay is one of the common teeth problems. A cavity is basically a hole between the teeth and it gets bigger and deeper with the time. Recently in US scientist have developed a chemical which help you to make your teeth decay proof and because of that you will have no tension about other teeth problem which occur due to teeth cavity. This chemical is developed by a team of researcher in the US and this chemical is known as “keep 32” which help your teeth to remove all the bacteria that cause cavity.
Invisible braces cost
jacky, at 23 August, 2012
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