UK - Daily Echo letter - Fluoride: are we resigned to the inevitable?

ON January 20 the Daily Echo printed a letter which I had written in protest against fluoride being added to our water supply. I believed that despite all the petitions and letters of protest printed in the Echo, we were flogging a dead horse, getting nowhere. It was then I believed that action would be better than words.
I called on the 72 per cent of anti-fluoride supporters to join me in sending a letter to Number 10 Downing Street saying no to fluoride in our water. I then sat back and couldn't help but smile, thinking that over 100,000 letters would soon be piling up hi Mr Cameron's hallway, believing that our Prime Minister would throw in the towel and call of the SHA thus saving the people of Hampshire, from fluoride poisoning. This however was not to be. David Cameron sent the ONLY two letters he obviously received, to the Department of Health, who replied eventually giving me a detailed report of the whole procedure, most of which is common knowledge, or available on the Internet.
The Department of Health suggested contacting the SHA or organising a petition of 100,000 signatures for a Commons debate. Information available: http:/
Are we now prepared to carry on the fight, or do we resign ourselves to the inevitable?
MR A WILLOTT, Southampton.
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