Uk - Daily Echo letters

Fluoridation really is a toxic medication for the masses
AK Roberts would have done well to reconsider the definition of a medicine before dismissing opponents of fluoridation.
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) defines a medicine as "any substance or combination of substances as having properties for treating or PREVENTING disease in humans."
The toxic fluorosilicate chemicals added to public drinking water to prevent dental disease clearly fulfill that definition, and water fluoridation is therefore mass medication.
If Mr Roberts is so concerned about fairness, he could make a more positive contribution by considering the virtues of targeted ways of delivering fluoride to those who want it instead of defending an outdated and scientifically discredited practice with known health risks that is forced on entire communities.
In medical ethics, "no" means "no"; no A-level chemistry or medical qualification is required and no reason need be given to refuse medication or treatment. If Mr Roberts has so much faith in the SHA, presumably he would also be happy to trust the medical "experts" who are calling for lithium and statins to be added to our water supply in the guise of a public health measure?
Other countries in Europe do not fluoridate or chlorinate their water for good reason; neither is safe or effective, and the health effects of the chemical mix are unknown. France and Germany for example use ozone to purify their water, as it is a cheaper, much safer alternative to poisonous chlorine, known since the 1960s to be the basic cause of colon cancer, arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes (Dr Joseph Price).
We should not be forced to accept the decision of the SHA when we have so much evidence they are wrong. I prefer to place my trust in the research of eminent EPA scientists Dr William Hirzy and Dr Robert Carton, who concluded the only safe level of fluoride, particularly for babies, is ZERO.
Adding fluoride goes against human rights
FLUORIDE is still to be controversially added to our water.
Whether it is right or wrong is not the issue, we have basic human rights that say we do not have to have anything forced into our bodies without our consent.
We cannot turn the clock back to the days when the powers that be did what they liked with our lives. We have a voice now and opinions which should be taken into account when they
make these BIG decisions.
I, like thousands of other people in the area, have a chronic blood condition. Can they assure me and all the others like me with many other conditions that this is not going to exacerbate our conditions?
We do not need to be told what to do by someone who does not even live in our area.
Let them vote to have it in their area.
New petition PM for fluoride debate
I RECENTLY wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Cameron, questioning his Big Society and "We are all in it together" statement. I made reference to our Echo's Great Fluoride Debate and sent him my last letter, which was published by the Echo, opposing the introduction of fluoride chemical into Hampshire's water supply.
I asked if he would please write to the Echo's Letterbox and explain why he has completely ignored the 10,000 signature petition handed in to No 10 by the Hampshire Against Fluoride leaders on behalf of our citizens, bearing in mind our concern that we don't appear to be a part of his Big Society and also that the 72 per cent of anti-fluoride protesters would welcome his views on the subject.
I received an official reply on behalf of Mr C thanking me for my time and trouble, from a grateful Prime Minister who requested my letter be forwarded to the Dept of Health so they are aware of my views.
However, not to be bettered, I am now 72 per cent convinced that action speaks louder than words.
Gordon Brown and Mr Cameron once said "Let the people decide." Seventy-two per cent of our citizens have decided "No to fluoride."
Those who wish to bury then-heads in the sand must pay the price for their indifference. Moving the goalposts, thus allowing the SHA time to complete their obnoxious task, is no credit to our Prime Minister. The SHA are to be disbanded at the end of the year, they cannot be brought to task should illness in years to come be attributed to their mass medication of the people.
Democracy itself has become the first victim. Our country is certainly on the decline when we no longer have a say in what is best for our children and ourselves. Mass medication is criminal and obscene. Fluoride is a poison and should not be added to our water supply.
Sugar is one of the major factors in tooth decay. Children will always drink fizzy drinks and eat sweets.
The health authority and Government are responsible for not addressing the problem at source. Cigarettes and alcohol receive more warnings on their packaging. Why not "This drink will rot your teeth"?
So where dp we go from here? I believe Nikki Sinclaire, MEP, has the answer. Her 120,000-signature petition forced the Government to debate a referendum on Europe. Our anti-fluoride campaign can also force a Government debate.
Our only option is to make sure David Cameron is totally aware that Southampton citizens will not be forced into drinking fluoridated water.
Please send your letters to: David Cameron, 10 Downing Street, SW1A 2AA. No to fluoride. All 100,000 to force a debate.
A WILLOTT, Southampton.
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