UK - Daily Echo - We shouldn't be made to drink 'Toxin'

AM I against strong teeth and bones? No, I am pro-strong teeth and bones, as well as a strong immune system, healthy thyroids, good nutrient absorption and smarter kids.
In the USA announcements from both the Center for Disease Control and the American Dental Association have new reports that confirm people are experiencing fluoride toxicity from water fluoridation programmes and it has damaging effects to teeth, bones and the thyroid gland.
The National Academy of Sciences 2006 report in the USA found persuasive evidence that fluoridation causes fluorosis, increases bone fractures as well as stiffness of the joints, and that it may be related to Alzheimer's disease.
Many places in the USA and Canada are now rushing to stop water fluoridation. When put to a democratic vote water fluoridation is nearly always rejected, and for very valid reasons.
If you read the back of any fluoridated toothpaste in the USA it says: "If you accidentally swallow more than a pea-size amount, consult poison control."
One 8oz glass of fluoridated water can equal a similar dose of fluoride, or four times children six months to three years old. Studies prove there is no decrease in tooth decay in cities that fluoridate their water but there is an increase in serious health conditions including thyroid disorders, hip fractures, genetic damage, IQ reduction, birth defects, miscarriages, kidney damage and arthritis, just to name a few. The science is available, the documents are on file, the physiological damage to people is evident and there are numerous health professionals worldwide that are waking up to the damage fluoride is doing.
However, our health authorities in Southampton have poured scientific and moral shame on themselves by pushing water fluoridation here. Maybe in 2012 the plans to force people in Southampton to drink this toxin in our water will be stopped, but don't count on it.
Fluoride consumption through drinking water has never been proven safe.
The chemical added to water does not occur naturally in our body.
It is NOT an essential nutrient. There are reasons why fluoride is used in insecticides and rat poison -it kills at very low doses and just because humans are much larger it does not make it safe for us.
There is a toxicity level that many surpass when drinking fluoridated water. Shouldn't we have the choice if we want to supplement with, bathe in and breathe in the vapours of this chemical?
When 71 per cent of us say we do not want fluoride, we mean it!
I do not want to drink rat poison either !
Paul Hai, at 21 February, 2012
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