UK - Daily Echo - Fluoride in our drinking water

I AM writing to say that I have written a letter to John Newton at the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) about fluoride going into our water supply.
I sent a recorded delivery letter to him but have not received anything back, that was quite a few weeks ago now. I asked him ten questions about fluoride, I don't think he knows how to answer them as he knows that he will be mass medicating us all if this goes in. That would be the day when our democratic rights will be gone. If fluoride goes in I for one will not vote for anyone again. As what would be the point when even the Government don't seem to listen?
I think that if the SHA goes in 2013 then they will push this through about that time, then whoever takes over will say "well we can't afford to take fluoride out now". The SHA put it in, it has nothing to do with us. A case of pass the buck. That is just my theory.
I also think that they are all crafty. They all know full well that most of the people in Southampton and surrounding areas do not want this fluoride added - and why should we?
The SHA should leave our water well alone. It is not theirs to tamper with, it belongs to us when it comes through our taps.
It is our lifeline and we pay for it to be fit to drink not for them to add a toxic waste fluoride that we can't even filter out or boil out so we would have no choice but to drink it, bath in it and wash our hair in it unless we can afford bottled water. But it would still get into our bodies through bathing etc.
The moral of all this is whether it is good or bad what gives anyone the right to treat anything through our water supply.
Who do they think they are? Not genuine health people that's for sure.
Also I think it strange that we all have to have water meters now, is that so we don't all run our taps out of protest if they add this rubbish? I wonder? I personally don't want a water meter. Once you had to request one if you wanted one and that is how it should be.
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