UK - Daily Echo - letter

IN reply to your correspondent. J Dunford, (Echo Letters February 21) regarding the faceless and unelected members of the Strategic Health Authority, I would refer to the very detailed account published in the Daily Echo on 21 February 2009. In that article the names of the SHA board were given and I list them as follows:
1. Mrs Olga Senior; Director of communications and corporate affairs.
2. Professor John Newton; Regional Director of public health.
3. Terrence Butter; Ex Director of the HCC social services.
4. Christopher Le Fevre; 30 years experience with the energy and transport sectors of industry.
5. Dr. Geoffry Harris; various non-executive directorships with several NHS trusts.
6. James Easton; Chief executive, worked within the NHS for 20 years
7. Christopher Evennett; Director of strategy and reform. Former NHS management trainee.
8. Katherine Fenton; Director of clinical standards. 30 years nursing career.
9. Benjamin Lloyd; Director of finance and investment.
10. Alyson Coates; Research
biochemist. Worked in international marketing for the biotech and pharmaceutical industries.
11. Joseph Mcloone; worked in information technology business and mobile communication systems.
12. Martin Howell; High level management experience in the steel and construction industry.
The Echo published the photographs of the first nine members but the last three, for reasons unknown, just had picture outlines. I would also mention a Mr Keith McNamara, the SHA "campaigns manager". This particular man is on record as saying that "whatever the outcome of the public vote on the issues of introducing fluoride into the water supply of Southampton, if not in favour, the NHS would over-ride it and proceed with its introduction"! If that is not breathtaking arrogance, what is? I and countless others who have been against this proposal since its inception have been privileged that the Daily Echo, in its formative and unbiased way over this issue has published our concerns. It is to be hoped that the appeal against the judicial review which bizzarely went in favour of the NHS will eventually succeed.
MICHAEL CLEMENTS, 1 Mill Road Southampton S015 4JB.
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