Daily Echo - letter

DESPITE the largest public outcry in Southampton's history, the bullies of the unelected SHA board seem determined to poison our water supply.
From beginning to end they have wasted vast sums of public money in their determination to implement what they set put to do.
The fact finding meetings in the first instance were merely a meaningless public exercise. I believe the water suppliers are well on the way to introducing fluoride into our drinking water. Have you noticed? Water hike charges, bills to rise by 6.4 per cent. Yes, somebody has to pay it and it will not be the shareholders.
We elect councillors and MPs to act on our behalf. I call on J Denham, Dr Whitehouse and all the local councillors who will be standing for reelection in May to stand up and be counted.
We want a public vote before the people take to the streets or refuse to pay their water rates, which will surely come. I, for one, will stand and be counted.
A WILLOTT, Lordswood, Southampton.
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