USA - Fluoridation Under the Microscope
Fluoridation Under the Microscope
Paul ConnettLocal anti-fluoridation activists brought in heavy scientific reinforcements last week, with several Austin appearances by Paul Connett, professor emeritus of environmental chemistry at St. Lawrence University, director of the Fluoride Action Network, and co-author of the recently released The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green Publishing), in which he and two academic colleagues review the current science and institutional politics of the use of fluoride in municipal water systems. Connett spoke briefly at last Thursday's City Council meeting – the council has thus far declined to take up the issue directly – and that night lectured an audience of about 40 people at the University of Texas' Thompson Conference Center, followed by a panel discussion..................
...... Near the evening's end, Connett angrily rejected a suggestion that he was largely ignoring the strenuous political history of the U.S. fluoridation battle – and its roots in hysterical, anti-communist campaigns against any and all public health measures, the legacy of which we endure to this sorry electoral day. A few moments after Connett's dismissal, an audience member rose to declare that she had been blind to the sinister political implications of fluoridation until her eyes had been opened – by a John Birch Society video.
Alas, with enemies like these, fluoridation still doesn't need many friends.
Doesn't that give the impression that Paul Connett was dismissed?
Paul ConnettLocal anti-fluoridation activists brought in heavy scientific reinforcements last week, with several Austin appearances by Paul Connett, professor emeritus of environmental chemistry at St. Lawrence University, director of the Fluoride Action Network, and co-author of the recently released The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green Publishing), in which he and two academic colleagues review the current science and institutional politics of the use of fluoride in municipal water systems. Connett spoke briefly at last Thursday's City Council meeting – the council has thus far declined to take up the issue directly – and that night lectured an audience of about 40 people at the University of Texas' Thompson Conference Center, followed by a panel discussion..................
...... Near the evening's end, Connett angrily rejected a suggestion that he was largely ignoring the strenuous political history of the U.S. fluoridation battle – and its roots in hysterical, anti-communist campaigns against any and all public health measures, the legacy of which we endure to this sorry electoral day. A few moments after Connett's dismissal, an audience member rose to declare that she had been blind to the sinister political implications of fluoridation until her eyes had been opened – by a John Birch Society video.
Alas, with enemies like these, fluoridation still doesn't need many friends.
Doesn't that give the impression that Paul Connett was dismissed?
“Fluoridation is not about children’s teeth. It is about industry getting rid of its hazardous waste at a profit, instead of having to pay a fortune to dispose of it.” – Anita Shattuck
If you want flouride in your water, put it in your own glass of water, leave the rest of us out of it.
If fluoride were "proven," there should be evidence of its glory in Kentucky, which has been 100% fluoridated for over 40 years. Kentucky, however, leads the nation in the number of dental cavities in children, and in the number of completely toothless adults, according to government records. The same ineffectiveness is evident in many states.
Most of Europe (16 countries) has rejected fluoridation and is 98% fluoride free. and the WHO reports that they have a better tooth decay rate than any fluoridated country.
There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that drinking fluoridated water has any effect on cavity reduction — NONE! --- but there is proof that it causes cancer and other health problems. The best source for scientific information on the health hazards and ineffectiveness of fluoridation can be found here: (
jwillie6, at 11 November, 2010
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