Australia - Calls for fluoridation review

Calls for fluoridation review
17 Nov, 2010 11:59 PM
A SOUTH Australian Upper House member of parliament visited the Hastings, Coffs Harbour, Ballina and Lismore districts to meet with core groups opposed to water fluoridation.
Ann Bressington is hoping to gain the support of state and federal politicians in her crusade to help citizens overturn the undemocratic mandatory water fluoridation policy, historically endorsed by all levels of government.
During the local leg of her tour, Ms Bressington met with local politicians and candidates.
"I intend to call for a parliamentary inquiry, and I encourage those who oppose artificial fluoridation to do the same," Mrs Bressington said.
The water fluoridation issue poses a confronting dilemma for incumbent independent politicians, said local anti-fluoridation spokesperson John Lusk.
"This policy has been in force for about half a century and is demonstrably undermining the health of all Australians, and especially the very young, the aged and frail, and also sick people with impaired immune systems.
"There is an abundance of good science to prove this claim," Mr Lusk said.
"It is no accident that mainland Europe has rejected water fluoridation for scientific and ethical reasons."
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