Canada - The Bulletin is courageous to take on the fluroidation issue
LETTER: The Bulletin is courageous to take on the fluroidation issue
By Aliss Terpstra
Thank you for having the courage to tackle this very important issue.
As the primary author of the 2006 (not 2007) Ashbridge’s Bay Treatment Plant Neighbourhood Liaison Committee’s motion to interrupt fluoridation, I would like you to correct a serious error in this article.
The NLC motion to interrupt fluoridation was directed to Toronto Water through Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, to assess the amount of heavy metals, particularly LEAD, being contributed to waste water and biosolids by the addition of and synergistic leaching effects of the specific chemical used in Toronto water fluoridation (fluorosilic acid, a notoriously corrosive scrubber waste liquid from phosphate fertilizer factories containing 40-100 mg of arsenic and other heavy metals in every liter). As Ashbridge’s Bay Treatment Plant is the single largest water polluter on Lake Ontario, this amount of extra fluoride, lead, copper and arsenic entering source water and accumulating in lake sediment and biota as a result of adding fluoridation chemicals is not insignificant.
The motion was NOT to request assessment of health harm from fluoridation, and the motion was NOT directed to Toronto Public Health (a body that can’t be held democratically accountable anyway). The motion came about as the result of groundbreaking scientific peer reviewed ENGINEERING research showing that the addition of fluorosilic acid to water with chloramine disinfectant causes lead leaching from infrastructure to increase 2 to 9 times more than if fluoridation is not done. The NLC motion was NOT asking for interruption on grounds of health harm, although the National Research Council report on toxicology of fluoride (which Dr. Limeback co-authored) in drinking water was cited as a reference in the motion.
PWIC refused to do the requested assays of water and sludge on its own recognizance even though Toronto Water often stops fluoridation for extended periods at any one of its four treatment plants to perform quality tests and maintenance; even though the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act makes water plant managers, NOT health department officials, responsible for reducing lead in drinking water; and even though City of Toronto passed a bylaw approving a Mediator’s Report calling for “continuous improvement in biosolids and discharge water”. Instead, PWIC passed a motion asking Toronto Board of Health to report on any health effects of STOPPING fluoridation.
Toronto Board of Health commissioned a scientific analysis of current studies through Dr. Limeback at U. of Toronto. Dr. Hazel Stewart supervised it.
That report (Azarpazhooh, A, Stewart, H, Aug. 2006) was OMITTED from the MOH’s fluoridation report of April 2007. In 2009 I filed FOIA requests to get it. Toronto Public Health responded that it does not exist. But I know of two copies and I know what is in it. The scientific evidence reviewed shows that turning off fluoridation is neutral to beneficial. Dental decay rate does not rise but often declines further, and dental fluorosis in children drops dramatically “as expected”. Stewart and McKeown are biased to the point of lying under the MFIPPA and suppressing evidence that shows their policy is ineffective. But we can’t hold them democratically accountable for this due to the pervasive culture of authority worship at City Hall.
The Toronto Public Health report on fluoridation did NOT address the point of the NLC’s motion, which is increased heavy metals esp. lead in waste water and biosolids caused by the addition of fluorosilic acid. It DID make up references and distort scientific conclusions of existing peer reviewed studies however, in order to deceive councillors and keep them committed to its policy of continuing to fluoridate drinking water regardless of evidence of health harm and water quality degradation. This is unethical, and fraudulent misuse of public health authority.
To date, every article has gotten this information wrong. Here’s your opportunity to be the first to get it right. Blow it up and get it out there as an election issue. This culture of authority worship must be exposed for its destructiveness to municipal democracy. Good public health officials can and do make mistakes. Great ones fix them. We don’t have great ones here. So we need a great mayor to look them in the eye and tell them to stop lying.
Aliss Terpstra is a member of TCAF and Ashbridge’s Bay Treatment Plant NLC
First guinea pig generation from the Grand Rapids-Brantford water fluoridation experiment and living evidence that it is a total failure
By Aliss Terpstra
Thank you for having the courage to tackle this very important issue.
As the primary author of the 2006 (not 2007) Ashbridge’s Bay Treatment Plant Neighbourhood Liaison Committee’s motion to interrupt fluoridation, I would like you to correct a serious error in this article.
The NLC motion to interrupt fluoridation was directed to Toronto Water through Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, to assess the amount of heavy metals, particularly LEAD, being contributed to waste water and biosolids by the addition of and synergistic leaching effects of the specific chemical used in Toronto water fluoridation (fluorosilic acid, a notoriously corrosive scrubber waste liquid from phosphate fertilizer factories containing 40-100 mg of arsenic and other heavy metals in every liter). As Ashbridge’s Bay Treatment Plant is the single largest water polluter on Lake Ontario, this amount of extra fluoride, lead, copper and arsenic entering source water and accumulating in lake sediment and biota as a result of adding fluoridation chemicals is not insignificant.
The motion was NOT to request assessment of health harm from fluoridation, and the motion was NOT directed to Toronto Public Health (a body that can’t be held democratically accountable anyway). The motion came about as the result of groundbreaking scientific peer reviewed ENGINEERING research showing that the addition of fluorosilic acid to water with chloramine disinfectant causes lead leaching from infrastructure to increase 2 to 9 times more than if fluoridation is not done. The NLC motion was NOT asking for interruption on grounds of health harm, although the National Research Council report on toxicology of fluoride (which Dr. Limeback co-authored) in drinking water was cited as a reference in the motion.
PWIC refused to do the requested assays of water and sludge on its own recognizance even though Toronto Water often stops fluoridation for extended periods at any one of its four treatment plants to perform quality tests and maintenance; even though the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act makes water plant managers, NOT health department officials, responsible for reducing lead in drinking water; and even though City of Toronto passed a bylaw approving a Mediator’s Report calling for “continuous improvement in biosolids and discharge water”. Instead, PWIC passed a motion asking Toronto Board of Health to report on any health effects of STOPPING fluoridation.
Toronto Board of Health commissioned a scientific analysis of current studies through Dr. Limeback at U. of Toronto. Dr. Hazel Stewart supervised it.
That report (Azarpazhooh, A, Stewart, H, Aug. 2006) was OMITTED from the MOH’s fluoridation report of April 2007. In 2009 I filed FOIA requests to get it. Toronto Public Health responded that it does not exist. But I know of two copies and I know what is in it. The scientific evidence reviewed shows that turning off fluoridation is neutral to beneficial. Dental decay rate does not rise but often declines further, and dental fluorosis in children drops dramatically “as expected”. Stewart and McKeown are biased to the point of lying under the MFIPPA and suppressing evidence that shows their policy is ineffective. But we can’t hold them democratically accountable for this due to the pervasive culture of authority worship at City Hall.
The Toronto Public Health report on fluoridation did NOT address the point of the NLC’s motion, which is increased heavy metals esp. lead in waste water and biosolids caused by the addition of fluorosilic acid. It DID make up references and distort scientific conclusions of existing peer reviewed studies however, in order to deceive councillors and keep them committed to its policy of continuing to fluoridate drinking water regardless of evidence of health harm and water quality degradation. This is unethical, and fraudulent misuse of public health authority.
To date, every article has gotten this information wrong. Here’s your opportunity to be the first to get it right. Blow it up and get it out there as an election issue. This culture of authority worship must be exposed for its destructiveness to municipal democracy. Good public health officials can and do make mistakes. Great ones fix them. We don’t have great ones here. So we need a great mayor to look them in the eye and tell them to stop lying.
Aliss Terpstra is a member of TCAF and Ashbridge’s Bay Treatment Plant NLC
First guinea pig generation from the Grand Rapids-Brantford water fluoridation experiment and living evidence that it is a total failure
Its really time that the scientific community aggressively challenges the merits and true negative health effects of fluoridating our drinking and bathing water. In the meantime, there are impressive water filters available such as the Vitasalus FluorideMaster whole house fluoride water filtration system which may be used to remove or filter out the fluoride that is imposed upon us.
Anonymous, at 05 June, 2010
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