Fluoridation damages bones as well as teeth
Fluoridation damages bones as well as teeth
Wednesday, 17 February 2010, 9:20 am
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Fluoridation damages bones as well as teeth
Latest research shows that children with teeth damaged by fluoride (30% in fluoridated NZ communities) also have worse bone problems than others – something fluoridation opponents have said for years but promoters like the Ministry of Health continue to deny.
It has long been known that fluoridation causes dental fluorosis – doubling the rate compared with unfluoridated communities according to NZ and overseas studies. Dental fluorosis is a defect in tooth enamel, caused by fluoride. The spots can be white or yellow, and tend to crumble, needing expensive treatment.
Wrist x-rays reveal that 96% of Tibetan children with dental fluorosis had “developmental skeletal abnormalities" including carpal bone hardening or thickening.
A British Medical Journal study reports that older white women from fluoridated communities have a 32% higher rate of wrist fracture. A Mexican study also links dental fluorosis to increased bone fractures.
Polish pediatricians found abnormal bone changes in 11 to 15 year-olds exhibiting dental fluorosis.
A Rheumatology International study links naturally fluoridated water to knee osteoarthritis in amounts many Americans consume daily.
These are all related to early stage skeletal fluorosis, which commonly appears as misdiagnosed “arthritis”. Arthritis, including skeletal fluorosis, costs NZ about $2 billion per year.
“Fluoridation promoters like the Ministry of Health continue to mislead the public by saying that dental fluorosis is ‘just cosmetic’, while even WHO admits it is the first outward sign of long term fluoride poisoning. This is grossly negligent, and a breach of the Ministry’s statutory duty” says Mark Atkin on behalf of the Fluoridation-free NZ Campaign and Fluoride Action Network NZ, adding “Instead of their myopic drive to force this toxin on everyone, they should admit that fluoridation doesn’t work, puts people at risk, and stop pushing it.”
Recent research shows that the most important time to avoid fluoride is in the first year of life, exactly when bottle-fed babies get overdosed by a factor of 200 times if their formula is made with fluoridated water, says Mr Atkin. Last year the American Dental Association reiterated its warning not to make up baby formula with fluoridated water. “Again, the Ministry puts babies at risk by denying the warning, even though it is part of our own food standards documentation: further gross negligence by the Ministry” concludes Mr Atkin.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010, 9:20 am
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Fluoridation damages bones as well as teeth
Latest research shows that children with teeth damaged by fluoride (30% in fluoridated NZ communities) also have worse bone problems than others – something fluoridation opponents have said for years but promoters like the Ministry of Health continue to deny.
It has long been known that fluoridation causes dental fluorosis – doubling the rate compared with unfluoridated communities according to NZ and overseas studies. Dental fluorosis is a defect in tooth enamel, caused by fluoride. The spots can be white or yellow, and tend to crumble, needing expensive treatment.
Wrist x-rays reveal that 96% of Tibetan children with dental fluorosis had “developmental skeletal abnormalities" including carpal bone hardening or thickening.
A British Medical Journal study reports that older white women from fluoridated communities have a 32% higher rate of wrist fracture. A Mexican study also links dental fluorosis to increased bone fractures.
Polish pediatricians found abnormal bone changes in 11 to 15 year-olds exhibiting dental fluorosis.
A Rheumatology International study links naturally fluoridated water to knee osteoarthritis in amounts many Americans consume daily.
These are all related to early stage skeletal fluorosis, which commonly appears as misdiagnosed “arthritis”. Arthritis, including skeletal fluorosis, costs NZ about $2 billion per year.
“Fluoridation promoters like the Ministry of Health continue to mislead the public by saying that dental fluorosis is ‘just cosmetic’, while even WHO admits it is the first outward sign of long term fluoride poisoning. This is grossly negligent, and a breach of the Ministry’s statutory duty” says Mark Atkin on behalf of the Fluoridation-free NZ Campaign and Fluoride Action Network NZ, adding “Instead of their myopic drive to force this toxin on everyone, they should admit that fluoridation doesn’t work, puts people at risk, and stop pushing it.”
Recent research shows that the most important time to avoid fluoride is in the first year of life, exactly when bottle-fed babies get overdosed by a factor of 200 times if their formula is made with fluoridated water, says Mr Atkin. Last year the American Dental Association reiterated its warning not to make up baby formula with fluoridated water. “Again, the Ministry puts babies at risk by denying the warning, even though it is part of our own food standards documentation: further gross negligence by the Ministry” concludes Mr Atkin.
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