USA - Watsonville edges toward water fluoridation
Watsonville edges toward water fluoridation
By DONNA JONES - Santa Cruz Sentinel
Posted: 01/27/2010 07:04:44 PM PST
Updated: 01/27/2010 07:05:27 PM PST
WATSONVILLE - Fluoridation of the city's water supply appears inevitable.
The City Council, on a 4-3 vote late Tuesday, rejected signing off on a nearly $2 million grant contract for construction of a fluoridation system, but agreed unanimously to establish an ad hoc committee to finalize details of the agreement.
Officials from the city and the California Dental Association Foundation believe a deal can be worked out.
If the money comes through, the city is under an order from the state Department of Health Services to fluoridate.
"I believe the city has given up, resigned themselves to state pressure," said John Martinelli, president of S. Martinelli & Co. and a fluoride foe for personal and business reasons. "They're afraid of a fine, and having that enforced on our community."
Watsonville fought a legal battle to uphold a 2002 voter-approved ordinance that effectively banned fluoride from the water supply. But an appeals court ruled state law - requiring cities with 10,000 or more hook-ups to fluoridate if outside money is available to cover costs - trumped the ordinance.................
By DONNA JONES - Santa Cruz Sentinel
Posted: 01/27/2010 07:04:44 PM PST
Updated: 01/27/2010 07:05:27 PM PST
WATSONVILLE - Fluoridation of the city's water supply appears inevitable.
The City Council, on a 4-3 vote late Tuesday, rejected signing off on a nearly $2 million grant contract for construction of a fluoridation system, but agreed unanimously to establish an ad hoc committee to finalize details of the agreement.
Officials from the city and the California Dental Association Foundation believe a deal can be worked out.
If the money comes through, the city is under an order from the state Department of Health Services to fluoridate.
"I believe the city has given up, resigned themselves to state pressure," said John Martinelli, president of S. Martinelli & Co. and a fluoride foe for personal and business reasons. "They're afraid of a fine, and having that enforced on our community."
Watsonville fought a legal battle to uphold a 2002 voter-approved ordinance that effectively banned fluoride from the water supply. But an appeals court ruled state law - requiring cities with 10,000 or more hook-ups to fluoridate if outside money is available to cover costs - trumped the ordinance.................
Mexico is a country that has several areas that have a natural overabundance of fluoride. Chihuahua and the Ojode Libre Lagoon area are two such areas. The people that live in these areas are subjected, over their life time to large amounts of Fluoride which, among other things, causes the ugly brown stains and the chipping of the teeth. This is what is known as Dental Fluorosis. Because Mexico is rich in natural fluoride, the Mexican Gov’t as well as companies from other countries mine these areas which also pollutes the air!. The company, Exportada L Sal S.A, situated on the Ojode Libre lagoon, regularly dumps its excesses in the lagoon which opens onto the Pacific Ocean killing the rare green turtles.
In order to maximize profits, in addition to selling the mined products abroad, fluoride has been used throughout Mexico to fluoridate drinking water and fluoride is also added to the peoples ordinary table salt, thus bringing in additional profits for the companies involved. The exposure of the Mexican population to these situations increases the intake of fluoride dramatically and the population , as a whole, consumes both fluoridated water and fluoridated salt every day.
During World War II both Hitler and Stalin fed fluoride to their prisoners to make them more easily handled ( yes this is really true!) Remember that Prozac is a FLUORIDE product with depressant qualities which sometime lead to death , and Baycol, which is a statin, is also a FLUORIDE product, and it has been taken off the market because it has caused several deaths!
Anonymous, at 20 February, 2010
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