UK - Letter from Shadow Minister for Health

I am happy to clarify my position on this important matter - I realise that it is of considerable concern to your constituents. I have, incidentally, followed the consultation process in the South Central SHA very closely, and believe that there are serious questions to be raised about the methodologies employed, particularly for those submitting views that do not support fluoridation.
I believe that public consent is vital to the implementation of any compulsory fluoridation scheme. Communities should have to give their approval for any proposal before it is permitted to go ahead, and that fluoridation should not be enforced against the will of a population. As such, we intend to hold a review of the existing consultation processes in a Conservative Government, to give a far better measure of public engagement where fluoridation is proposed. I quite understand the points you make about public cynicism as a result of the current procedure.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write. ! hope that this response is helpful. Yours ever,
Mike Penning
Shadow Minister for Health
I am naturally delighted at this excellent response which I take to mean that if there is a change of Government fluoridation will not be imposed in our area without our consent. This is, of course, what Gordon Brown promised on his visit to Southampton - but in Mike Penning's case, we can be sure the promise will be kept.
Julian Lewis MP
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