UK - Daily Echo letters

OLGA Senior, 'In my view" dated July 28, what a sad indictment of Ms. Senior's so called 'findings' with regard to the public consultation in respect of fluoride. Sadly, her article suggests a pomposity beyond normal requirements befitting a committee representing the thoughts and wishes of thousands of citizens in our city, and suburbs.
On a more personal level, I have personally not been contacted, either by post, telephone or spoken to personally or attended a meeting by the SHA; and not one of my associates, friends or neighbours have either. When the subject of fluoride has been discussed all have remarked 'no thanks, we take care of our children's health and their teeth'. ALL have said they have not received any invitations or consultations by the above body South Central Strategic Health Authority
Sadly, many people are unable to communicate, do not have a land phone, or computer; do not have registered accommodation/house/flat/room, or indeed the hundreds of students at colleges and university, although it's possible all have a mobile phone. It would be rather imprudent of me to say that there are thousands who do not understand the implications of fluoride but nevertheless have a sound opinion as to wanting their children to have good health checks at school, even school dentistry but, of course, this is not forthcoming. Can I ask the SHA, have they spoken to these parents I would also like to ask Ms Olga Senior, has she ascertained the opinions of parents at work, actually arranged to talk to thousands in factories, offices or stores, or indeed had a 'referendum' with parents? May I refer to the Daily Echo 'postings'. Who are we to question that readers are suggesting 'conspiracy theories', dictatorship, or indeed it may be humour, satrical, sarcasm or bitter, nevertheless the public are conveying their concerns at the way the SHA is conducting its consultation.
J MOORBY, Southampton.

I WOULD like to quote the cautionary warning that came from BBC Regional News for West Midlands on Ceefax (July 30).
"Too much fluoride was put into the water supply after a new dosing system at Severn Trent Water failed, the Watchdog said.
"The Drinking Water Inspectorate said that a fault happened at the pumping station which supplies 29,000 homes between Bridgnorth and Wolverhampton last June.
"Two tests on treated water at the station failed, with one showing fluoride at twice the target level. Severn Trent Water apologised but said the water had still been safe to drink".
It speaks for itself!
C WINDSOR, Southampton.
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