Australia - PETER MOORE: Politically correct rubbish
PETER MOORE: Politically correct rubbish
August 19th, 2009
..................This is what happens when we start taking too much notice of those who choose to complain about anything and everything. This is when the silent majority need to stand up and do a Peter Finch and declare to the entire world: ``We're as mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.'' This minor issue is yet another example of political correctness gone mad and Cotton On, by acquiescing to the demands of these sour pussies _ who from where I stand quite simply need to get a life _ will only encourage them to interfere more and more in our lives.
Where are these people when the Looney Left, militant Gay right or the reality challenged anti-fluoride people are parading their kids around with inappropriate messages on T-shirts and placards? The answer of course is nowhere even if the messages are outrageous and offensive because for some reason individuals seem exempt from ire of the politically correct and, two, they are extremely selective in what they find offensive.
Personally I find a seven-year-old child at an anti-fluoride rally carrying a placard saying ``I don't want to die from industrial waste poisoning'' offensive; as if the child had any idea what his parents are saying is right or not and of course there are many other such examples I could quote.
I really think it's about time we all pulled our heads in and concentrated on core values that really matter and kept the trivia and trivialising to something that consulting adults do behind closed doors instead of being played out in the media and affecting us all.
If you don't like something don't do it, don't buy it, don't support it but for God's sake don't stop the rest of us taking advantage of something we may enjoy!
reality challenged anti-fluoride people?
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August 19th, 2009
..................This is what happens when we start taking too much notice of those who choose to complain about anything and everything. This is when the silent majority need to stand up and do a Peter Finch and declare to the entire world: ``We're as mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.'' This minor issue is yet another example of political correctness gone mad and Cotton On, by acquiescing to the demands of these sour pussies _ who from where I stand quite simply need to get a life _ will only encourage them to interfere more and more in our lives.
Where are these people when the Looney Left, militant Gay right or the reality challenged anti-fluoride people are parading their kids around with inappropriate messages on T-shirts and placards? The answer of course is nowhere even if the messages are outrageous and offensive because for some reason individuals seem exempt from ire of the politically correct and, two, they are extremely selective in what they find offensive.
Personally I find a seven-year-old child at an anti-fluoride rally carrying a placard saying ``I don't want to die from industrial waste poisoning'' offensive; as if the child had any idea what his parents are saying is right or not and of course there are many other such examples I could quote.
I really think it's about time we all pulled our heads in and concentrated on core values that really matter and kept the trivia and trivialising to something that consulting adults do behind closed doors instead of being played out in the media and affecting us all.
If you don't like something don't do it, don't buy it, don't support it but for God's sake don't stop the rest of us taking advantage of something we may enjoy!
reality challenged anti-fluoride people?
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"If you don't like something don't do it, don't buy it, don't support it but for God's sake don't stop the rest of us taking advantage of something we may enjoy!"
Is Peter Moore suggesting that drinking fluoride is enjoyable? I'm not stopping him from drinking fluoride if he wants to, be he shouldn't be allowed to make me drink it.
subpixel, at 20 August, 2009
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