UK - Southampton Daily Echo

Clean and pure water is a basic human right.
This is what we are told when charities ask for our help to provide this in under developed countries.
Yet it seems that we are now to be denied this against our will in our own country Fluoride is not a necessity for the health of the majority of the population of this area. If it is needed by a minority of the people - children in particular - this should be provided by the medical and dental profession on the basis of need.
Only this week we have been told that to name escaped prisoners would be against their human rights. The decision by the SHA to introduce fluoride to the water supply of a law abiding public is against our human rights. Surely we also have a democratic right to a vote on this decision. As we are required to pay for our clean, pure water supply if that water supply is no longer pure we will reserve the right to withdraw our payment for this.
If enough people withdraw payment maybe the authorities will think again. Democracy is dead in this country
RAM and GRAHAM WHYTE, Southampton

In reply to C Jordan's letter I personally wish free school milk had been banned when I was at school as I hated having to drink it, and at that stage preferred water. It was certainly a waste of public money to allocate free milk to me, and like many others I suspect I like to be free to choose what I drink, and what enters my body.
However I also think that C Jordan is right in questioning whether the introduction of more dental services would be a more sensible solution, and I have already raised the issue of whether any improvement in dental health in fluoridated areas could be attributed to increasing the number of dentists.
Also it appears that the people of Hamble will be shortly benefiting from another dental surgery.
What I personally feel is that the people opposed to fluoridation are a diverse group, containing people of many different political stances.
I also feel that a referendum is a good idea, and do not think this would set any dangerous precedents. It appears from what I can make out that is the first instance in this country of the application of the new law which gives the Health Authority the power to determine whether or not to fluoridate a water supply. Surely when a new law is applied for the first time and the opposition is as widespread as this has been, it is sensible I feel to review the effectiveness of the new law.
Leigh Road
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