UK - Referendum will finalise the issue of fluoride

THE importance of the debate underway in Hampshire on whether to permit mass medication of the water supply to Southampton and surrounding areas is underscored today.
This paper reveals (page 7) that the debate is being watched closely by other authorities who have their own plans to introduce fluoride to water supplies.
These have been put on hold while the Southampton issue is taken through the courts and any subsequent actions.
This is not surprising. So heated has been the debate here in Hampshire over whether it is right to add the chemical to water supplies and how much of the population is behind the scheme that other authorities realise they will face similar battles if they do not approach the issue carefully in their own areas.
At present Hampshire awaits a decision on whether there is to be a judicial review of the process that determined Southampton should receive fluoride. The Strategic Health Authority is waiting with £400,000 of health service money to fight an action to overturn the plan. This is a waste of time and money.
A simple decision to hold a binding referendum will finalise this issue once and for all.
Why won't the SHA take such a decision and show the rest of the country the best course of action to follow before fluoride should be introduced anywhere.
Let's make fluoride an election issue
SO we now know that the South Central Area Health Authority will take no notice of a referendum on fluoridation of the water supply.
To all intents and purposes it seems to be running as a petty dictatorship.
It seems to have forgotten that it is there to serve the public not to rule it. It is an unelected body.
We now need a clear statement from the opposition par coming general election, one of the first actions of their government will be to abolish the SCAHA and sack all of its board members. So come on you Conservatives and Lib Dems etc. Let's have your pledge in print that your party will take immediate action against the SCAHA and its board if you come to power. CHRIS BARKER, Southampton.
Lax thinking...
MAY I be so bold as to suggest that a strong laxative be added to the water at the strategic health authority, as a small minority may be constipated.
It may also help them to think more clearly
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