UK - Daily Echo Letters

WE all await, with very keen anticipation, what local MP John Denham proposes to actually do with regard to the fluoride in tap water issue.
Perhaps he will announce something in the Daily Echo!
His boss, Gordon Brown, has said that local people should decide the issue. The formal consultation resulted in 72 per cent of those expressing an opinion as against. John Denham has said that the plans should be put on hold. He seems to understand that there has been a great democratic wrong, empowering a non-elected and unaccountable Strategic Health Authority to decide the issue.
Indeed, just this week he has announced plans designed to make this and other quangos face greater levels of scrutiny by elected councillors.
Mr Denham knows the clock is ticking. We move ever nearer the proposed implementation in 2010. He needs to step in and stop the proposals from going ahead. He has the authority. The public are expecting him to take action, not just voice an opinion as if he is simply an interested commentator.
We look forward to hearing from you very soon, Mr Denham,
CLLR DAVID HARRISON, Leader, New Forest District Liberal Democrats.
Don't poison my water please
I REALLY do NOT want my tap water to be contaminated by a poison. It is outrageous that this toxic chemical (fluoride) is to be forced on us. Do we live in a democracy? I think not.
So what sort of a system is it? Communism? Dictatorship? Think about it.
A Bassett Resident, who cleans her teeth!
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