UK - Southampton Daily Echo

IT is very encouraging to see Southampton's two Labour MPs Alan Whitehead and John Denham deciding to intervene in the campaign to stop fluoride being added to drinking water.
I have two questions for them. Firstly, why has it taken you so long to react? And secondly what exactly are you intending to do?
It has been clear since the South Central Strategic Health Authority's February to add fluoride to drinking water that its members had ignored the outcome of the public consultation, which clearly showed most people opposed the plan.
Why didn't Mr Denham and Mr Whitehead speak up then and offer to help with the campaign at that point?
I suggest they have realised at last that many people in the city are angry with the way the health authority acted, and they know that if they don't wake up and say something they will lose votes.
We now need the health authority to listen and accept that the people of Southampton do not want fluoride in their drinking water.
DAVID CALLAGHAN, Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Southampton Test
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