UK - Fluoride varnish is a great way to stop rot

By Emma Harris
By the time little Daniel Sanderson turns five, he will have been given three protective treatments to stop him becoming another statistic in the shocking dental record of Blackpool children.
Before youngsters in the resort celebrate their fifth birthday, they have an average 2.3 rotten, filled or missing teeth.
But Daniel, who lives on the Grange Park estate, is part of a pilot scheme to tackle the problem of tooth decay in small children.
He has just had a second round of fluoride varnish painted on his teeth.
The project, running from Sure Start on Grange Park, will see children have three applications of the cream put on their teeth, in a bid to keep them healthier and stronger and help – along with good brushing and healthy diet – to prevent decay.
Christine Slattery, the dentist who has been carrying out the treatment, said: "Because dental health is poor in Blackpool, we are targeting children of nursery age for this pilot study.
"This is the second application of the varnish and the children will be getting application in the autumn."
Families are also being given information about dental health and packs with toothpaste and toothbrushes.
The quick and painless procedure sees the youngsters – who attend the nursery at Sure Start – having the cream, Duraphat, painted onto their pearly whites.
In Blackpool, fluoride is not added to tap water.
Some have called for the resort to start having the chemical put into the water supply.
In Birmingham, where fluoride has been added to the water for more than 40 years, children have some of the lowest rates of tooth decay.
But anti-fluoride campaigners claim the benefits are not proven and fluoride in water can lead to health problems.
Daniel's mum, Rosemary Campbell, thought the pilot scheme was a great idea.
She said: "I believe anything to help tackle tooth decay is a good thing. To me it's so important for children to have healthy teeth and to learn good habits for when they're older.
"The fluoride varnish is providing them with protection and I think that's really good."
kingnothing,Blackpool 06/06/2009 12:14:00
Not worth the risk in my opinion, fluoride is toxic and is it really good for teeth?
An old and wise one,06/06/2009 13:37:58
My lad had is teeth done with something over 20 years ago, Helped him up to his 20s then it was a filling needed,
Fluoride can also caurse mottling of the teeth, and further problems with the body, Water should be pure, and if people want additives let them buy them,
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