Southampton Daily Echo

If in doubt, then don't
APART from being forced to drink fluoride we will have to bathe or shower in it, wash our hair in it, swim in it, water our gardens with it, wash our vegetables in it, wash our clothes in it, animals will drink it, the list goes on and on and this will eventually be imbibed through our pores and will also be in the food chain. Also in monetary terms alone we will be paying for it for the remainder of our lives.
Much of the fluoride added to our water will be flushed down the drain or toilet. How can this possibly be a cost effective way of treating a problem which can so easily be solved by children taking fluoride tablets if needed. With all this vast amount of
exposure to a toxic chemical how can the Health Authorities possibly know how much will be imbibed by each individual. Forced medication is illegal in hospitals and to experiment on vast numbers of the public is the sort of thing one might expect from a dictatorship, not a so-called democracy where the majority have voted against it. Also what do they intend to do about the people who are completely allergic to chemicals of this sort and for whom this can definitely act as a poison? Bottled water cannot always be relied on to be pure. Incidentally not long ago there was discussion in the House of Commons about whether members would be allowed to drink bottled water or tap water at meetings and some MPs including Sandra Gidley, said it was against their human rights not to be able to choose what to drink!
As time is now short, I urge everyone who has any doubts whatsoever regarding the addition of fluoride, to send a letter (to the PM who promised us a choice) with a copy to the Strategic Health Authority, and sign a petition against this, as the very children it is supposed to help will be the ones exposed to this waste product for the longest period of time.
An area of Australia has recently been overdosed but once the health authority adds this substance to our water it will be too late as it will not be taken out again. The maxim 'if in doubt don't' is the safest one to adopt in these circumstances.
Name and address supplied.
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