Uk - Southampton - Lymington Times and Daily Echo

The names of hundreds of people opposed to adding fluoride to Totton's water supply were added to a 9,000-strong petition to be handed to the prime minister.
The signatures were presented by Coun. David Harrison to Hampshire Against Fluoridation (HAF) members Caroline Place and Myra Metcalfe, in front of the town's war memorial. The full list of objectors will be submitted to 10 Downing Street later.
Some 8,000 people in Totton are due to have fluoride in 2010 after the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) approved Southampton Primary Care Trust's proposal, which affects some areas outside the city because of the layout of the pipes.
About 190,000 will be affected in total and despite opponents losing the battle, they have not given up and are also planning legal action. Fluoridation could be further delayed if charges of biased consultation are upheld and a re-run is ordered.
Totton councillor Harrison told the A&T: "It seems fitting to present the petitions at the site of the war memorial — so many people fought and died in the cause of preserving democracy in this country. "It now seems that we are to be forced into consuming this medication without our consent. I thank everyone who has takcn the trouble to spell out their feelings. The battle is still on going "
HAF members plan to deliver the pettition to Downing Street in June and will be joined by local councillors , MP and supporters.
As reported In the A&T, Liberal Democrat Coun. Harrison has also joined New Forest East's Conservative MP Julian Lewis in a complaint against the SHA for the "biased" way it carried out the consultation.
Fluoridation was supported by Southampton City Council but opposed by Totton and Eling, New Forest and Hampshire councils. A Mori poll also showed more residents against than in favour.
But Southampton Primary Care Trust said it was key to cutting children's tooth decay. The decision was the first in the country taken under new laws which gave the NHS the power to compel water companies to add fluoride.

Decision is against court's ruling
I RECENTLY received a letter from Southern Water which, among other things, stated that by fluoridating the public water supply, it was not classified as a medicinal product so they could not be in breach of their duty to provide 'wholesome' water as dictated to them by the South Central Strategic Health Authority.
I beg to differ due to a ruling by the European Court of .Justice (ECJ) which would suggest otherwise. It established that fluoridated water drink containing minerals, is a functional food with recognisable pharmaceutical properties. As such, it must be regulated as a medicinal product. In the absence of a relevant medicinal marketing authorization for its supply to the public, fiuoridation of public water, supplies in the UK and Ireland must stop immediately
It also went on to say that fluoridated water must not be used in the preparation of any food for retail or wholesale purposes in the UK or Ireland. The ECJ stated that no UK or Irish food manufacturer using fluoridated water in the preparation of their products may export them to any other EC country.
The decision of the court is binding on all EC member states, and is immediately enforceable in the national legislation of member states.
This decision was made in 2005 so why is the SHA and this Government still going ahead with the proposal?
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