UK - Southampton Daily Echo

HAVING been a solid Labour supporter for more years than I care to remember I have however become more and more disillusioned with, what is now called, New Labour. Disillusioned not only with New Labour, Brown, Darling, Smith, Prescott and Co., but even more so with our two local MPs Messrs Denham and Whitehead. Particularly over the past few months. Lately we have had the fluoride fiasco. Seventy two per cent of those consulted and I use the word consulted loosely, did not want fluoride added to the water supplies. Twelve, unelected, seemingly anonymous, members of a quango decided otherwise.
The silence on this subject from Messrs Denham and Whitehead has been deafening. Then came the debate in Parliament concerning the Gurkhas being able to settle in this country.
To cap it all, for me anyway, these same two gentlemen slavishly follow the party line and vote FOR the rigorous qualifications proposed that would deny many many brave and courageous men the right to live in a country that hundreds of their countrymen gave their lives to defend.
A CAWS, Southampton.
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