Alarm, or hoax?

The swine flu "pandemic," with the daily drama seen each day in in newspapers, on television and on the Internet, is suspect.
To see such an obvious display of media propaganda and alarmist, fear-based behavior spreading so rapidly is troubling. This recent swine flu scare seems to me a perfect set-up for the major pharmaceutical companies prepared to administer their swine flu vaccines to make millions of dollars. This also may be the perfect lead-in to mandatory government vaccination.
Let's turn back a few years and examine what happened in 1976. According to osteopathic physician Dr. Joseph Mercola, this "isn't the first time" the public has been warned about the swine flu.
"The last time was in 1976 ... it resulted in the massive swine flu vaccine campaign," he states. "Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the vaccine. The vaccine was also blamed for 25 deaths.
"However, several hundred people developed crippling Guillain-Barré syndrome after they were injected with the swine flu vaccine. Even healthy 20-year-olds ended up as paraplegics. And the swine flu pandemic itself? It never materialized. More people died from the swine flu vaccine than swine flu."
Will I ever vaccinate myself or my family? No. Often in my practice the people and or kids I see with the most compromised immune systems have received the most vaccinations. According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, the statistics on vaccinations are grim at best: Previous vaccination programs have been between 0 percent and 14 percent effective (according to the CDC) or 1 percent effective (according to Israeli research). Israeli research has also shown that vaccinations compromise the immune system.
Research at Johns Hopkins over a 10-year period showed that five consecutive flu vaccinations resulted in 10 times greater amounts of Alzheimer's disease, which fits with research by neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock, which suggests that one single vaccination can cause brain inflammation that can last up to two years. Vaccinations inject animal-based substances, heavy metals, viruses and unknown pathogens into our system, seriously compromising immunity.
So, while advising not to rush out in a panic to get you and your family vaccinated, there are practical and realistic things to be done to boost immunity and protect yourself through nutrition and lifestyle from sickness and disease. I highly recommend immune boosters such as nucleotides, coriolus, colostrum, green mineral superfoods, and vitamin C eaten in whole food form. Drink purified water—it is essential to filter chlorine and fluoride out of our drinking water. Eat whole organic foods and stay away from white sugar, white flour, dairy, and non-organic foods of all sorts. Specifically, stay away from corn, soy, wheat and dairy, which are the worst offenders of genetically modified ingredients. Buy from local sources when it's possible.
Use a good salt that is not highly heated—never use table salt. I recommend either Premier Research pink salt or Himalayan pink salt—both are air-dried and provide minerals and electrolytes. Salt aids digestion, improves mineral absorption, strengthens the kidneys, protects the body from stress, and allows the body to hydrate and hold minerals. It is a very common thing for people to not get the right kind of salt, or cut salt out of the diet, and this can destroy the kidney and digestive systems. Salt is essential to our health.
Ultimately, we need to help the liver, gallbladder and colon function properly through boosting immunity, regular cleansing and proper diet. The goal is to not constantly be taking supplements while eating in a way that destroys our health. Our goal should be to live in a clean way, in line with natural law, that supports and protects the environment, keeps our bodies clean, supports a calm mind and well-being for people and animals, and promotes world peace and stability for all beings. Proper nutrition brings profound well-being on all levels, and unlimited transformation is possible.
Molly Brown has a nutrition practice and is owner of Glow live food café in Ketchum.
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