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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

USA - Fluoride speech - April 21st

Fluoride speech - April 21st: Dr. Paul Connett, authority on the negative health impact of mandatory fluoridation will be at ULL Hamilton Hall Auditorium, 611 McKinley St., 7pm (1900) until.
Please attend and report on this issue. Mandatory fluoridation is expensive and costs tax dollars in the millions per city. The health benefits of stronger enamel have never been proven, only theorized. While negative impacts such as teeth discoloration, bone fluorosis, similar to arthritis, and endocrine disorders such as hypothyroidism have been proven again and again. Fluoridation is forcing a medical procedure on a population without adequate medical supervision or accountability at taxpayer expense.

Fluoride is in almost everything we consume, including bottled water and juices, so we may be ingesting excessive amounts of fluoride already. There are studies on kidney and pineal gland diseases in children, but there is a safe way to receive fluoride treatments, under the supervision of your dentist. All LA chip families receive free dental care, so no child is left without access to fluoride.

Many parents including myself refuse fluoride treatments knowing that dental health comes from reducing sugars eaten and bacteria in the mouth, that thrive on these sugars, by brushing after every meal, and by eating a nutritious, balanced diet. A strong immune system, and a low bacteria count keeps your mouth healthy and cavity free.

Dr. Weston A Price researched 3rd world countries from Angola to Switzerland and even our native Alaskan peoples. Each of the cultures he studied had varied diets, and no dental care, some even had green teeth, but they all had perfect facial structure and no dental cavities. This began to change as their unprocessed diets became degenerated by our western fare of white flours and white sugar. These are empty calories, no fiber like in whole grains and no minerals as in unprocessed cane sugars, honey, and maple syrups. So we overeat of the white processed foods because our bodies still want the minerals, fibers, and vitamins in wholesome unprocessed foods.

Please come, you won't be disappointed. We are also urging our elected officials to attend.
Thanks in advance,
Theresa Taylor


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