Ireland - Sinnott to speak in Limerick tonight on water quality

MEP Kathy Sinnott
November 2008
By Clodagh O'Leary
INDEPENDENT MEP Kathy Sinnott is set to speak about the "cumulative poison" being added to Irish tap water at a public meeting in the city this Monday night.
Ms Sinnott, who represents the south of Ireland in the European Parliament, is a long time opponent to the use of fluoride in public water supplies.
"As a member of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, it became clear to me that the Irish policy of contaminating its water supplies was not just bad public health policy but in contravention of EU environmental and public health directives," explained Ms Sinnott.
"Every day, Irish sanitary authorities add hydrofluorosilicic acid (more commonly known as fluoride) to public water supplies under legislation dating back to the 1960 Fluoridation Act."
"Hydrofluorosilicic acid is an industrial waste by-product which is a very active and highly absorbed molecule when swallowed," she said, adding that this should not be confused with less absorbent sodium fluoride used in toothpaste and other dental products or chlorine.
Referring to a decision taken by 53 US cities who rejected fluoridation of their water earlier this year, Ms Sinnott added: "People in the US have the right to vote on whether or not they want this cumulative poison added to their water, while we in Ireland are being mass medicated by successive governments for the past 45 years with no choice in the matter."
The meeting takes place this Monday night at 7.30pm in Jurys Inn. All are welcome to attend.
And earlier at 5pm. Ms Sinnott will be at the University of Limerick to address the public on "Life after Lisbon" at Dromroe Village Reception. This has been organised by the UL Law Society.
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