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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fluoride: It's a major health hazard for many

Fluoride: It's a major health hazard for many
01 October 2008
Dental groups want to see our public water fluoridated – but there’s a group of people whose health will definitely be harmed by the move, and you may be among them.
While putting fluoride into our water produces dubious health benefits, people with chronic kidney disease will see their health deteriorate further. Sufferers are likely to develop skeletal fluorosis, a form of arthritic bone disease, fractures and, paradoxically, dental decay.
Many people have chronic kidney disease, but don’t know it. In America, around 20 million know they have the problem – but the same number also has it without realizing it. This suggests that the disease afflicts around 14 per cent of the population.
The health concerns over fluoridated water are so serious that America’s National Kidney Foundation has come out against it
The problem is that many foods, drinks and dental products such as toothpaste already contain fluoride, which is also increasing people’s exposure to the chemical.


  • Will the fluoride be concentrated enough to cause such reactions and long term damage?

    By Blogger Natalie Corner, at 03 October, 2008  

  • That depends on who answers your question some will say yes and the those pushing fluoridation will say no. Best advice that should be heeded is If in doubt leave it out. But the authorities spend millions trying to persuade us of its benefits. I prefer to believe in Professor Connett who visited us in Southampton on Wednesday.
    He is not being paid for his work. As we certinly didn't having little money to fight our battle to stop it in Southampton.

    By Blogger Bill, at 03 October, 2008  

  • The only way to make those in charge take notice is to hit them where it hurts. These people only understand money.

    Time for a campaign of non payment of water rates in areas where fluoride is added.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 03 October, 2008  

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