USA - Fluoridation could be put to the vote

(6/12/2008) By Denise Booker - People in Hastings could have a chance to vote if they want fluoride in their drinking water. Grand Island has already put the issue on the November ballot and now Hastings is considering doing the same.
The decision to put fluoride in drinking water may not be so easy for city leaders. They said it is controversial and needs a lot of consideration.
"We are going to be having some discussions probably in the next few weeks just to get a feel for what the elected officials want to do and where we want go and just kind of decide at that," said Hastings Mayor Matt Rossen.
The city could either go with the state mandate and put fluoride in their drinking water by 2010 or put it on the November election ballot and let voters decide.
"There is so much one way or the other," said Hastings City Council member James Ruberson. "There are people that are in favor of it and people that are opposed to it and both have good arguments.I think the people need to look at it and say, hey, this is what we need for our community either we need it or we do not need it."
If city council does not put the issue on the ballot, people against fluoridation can start a petition to get it there.
"The very minimum number we need is 2412 for the Hastings area, but we will be seeking right at 3000 votes," said petition leader Marvin Hughes.
Hughes said it is important that the final decision is left to the people of the community, whether it be for or against.
"The big thing that I see is that people need to be heard and unless there is a petition that is going to support this initiative then the people are not heard," Hughes said.
Mayor Rossen said it may be best to put the decision on the ballot, rather than see a petition formed.
"Some of the pros going ahead and placing it on the ballot ourselves we can write the language how we want it to be and so that we can kind of tune it to ourselves," said Rossen.
The mayor said a decision on putting fluoride in the water will not be made for at least a few weeks.
If people choose to start a petition it needs to be turned in by August 1st.
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