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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, April 10, 2008

UK - Debate on fluoride in water

Debate on fluoride in water
Health service leaders in Telford & Wrekin are highlighting what they claim are the benefits of adding fluoride to water supplies to fight tooth decay.
The controversial issue was raised briefly yesterday at a meeting of the borough primary care trust board. Chairman Brian Taylor said Telford & Wrekin was one of the few areas in the West Midlands where the water was not fluoridated.
He asked whether representations over the matter were still being made to the strategic health authority.
Public health director Dr Catherine Woodward said there had been previous discussions within the primary care trust about the benefits of fluoridation.
But she said members also had to be mindful that there were people who had concerns over the issue.
Dr Andy Inglis said that in relation to dental health, the benefits of fluoridation were significant.
Dr Woodward said a report on the subject would be brought to the trust board in in the near future.
In the meantime it was agreed that the need for fluoridation should be included in the trust’s operational plan for the coming year.
This sets out its priorities, and how they will be achieved, and will be submitted to the strategic health authority this month.
The Water Act 2003 allows health authorities to compel water companies to add fluoride to drinking water in the interests of cutting decay in children’s teeth.
Supporters of fluoridation point to data which shows that in areas of the country which are fluoridated, levels of decay are much lower.
But Shropshire has a strong anti-fluoridation lobby which says that fluoride is a chemical and people should have the choice of whether or not they use it.
Previous moves to introduce it to Shropshire, which is fluoride-free apart from a small area of the Bridgnorth district, have run into fierce opposition.
In 2004 Shrewsbury councillors agreed to lobby the Government over the “gross infringement of civil liberties” caused by fluoridation and claimed it would “poison” the borough’s water supply.
By Health Correspondent Dave Morris


  • By the very fact its medication on mass and those who do not want it have no choice ,Can I suggests the area health authority should pay for it or the government .You see we have no choice, the human needs water ,the choice is no more for this poison .I have stopped paying and will not pay for mass medication although its a european directive ,they have banned it, as have scotland mass medication is so wrong ,we need to fight this .If parents cannot take control of their children teeth its their problem (stop selling pop and suger products this would serve humanity better but the suger lobby is so big and much tax is gained but we also need to look at other stuff they put in food and confectionary ASPARTAIN is poison wake up Britain we are being poisoned water and food )or like forced drugs for young woman in schools against a desease they may never get is also wrong cirvical cancer .Government playing with our health and freedoms and are for drug companys against the uk population its all profit and loss with ,the only time we get a healthy population is when doctors go on strike ,again I say jail for me and it will cost them £38,000 a year to keep me their ,just pay my water bill and stop putting it in bottled water .Soon they will put prozac in our water to calm us all down or do they do this now .Its untested its a medication and has not gone through drug trials for human consuption as anyone done their home work, where this stuff comes from I know do you its a waste product of the aliminium industry .Some one need to look at this very carefully ,they did test in india where no one would care,the people suffered very badly young and old ,its a time bomb for us all ,and it does nothing for childens teeth its all a big lie . wake up and take a look .

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 15 June, 2008  

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