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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Learn the truth about fluoride

Learn the truth about fluoride
Twenty people died in Pennsylvania in 1948 when they inhaled fluoride emitted by a zinc plant (www.fluoridation. com/donora.htm). Our government now requires that plant smokestacks contain scrubbers to capture fluoride before it is released into the air. This same fluoride is then removed and sold to cities to add to drinking water as fluorosilicic acid.
One of the contaminants of concern to crematoriums is hydrogen fluoride.
Scientists concluded in a 1962 test that inhaled fluoride scars the surface of the lungs and thickens lung tissue. Their test results were never published, but a copy was located at the University of Cincinnati by Christopher Bryson, author of "The Fluoride Deception." Bryson also writes that pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema and dyspnea (shortness of breath) are obvious signs of chronic fluoride poisoning.

Concentrations of fluoride in the mouth that are capable of protecting teeth by inhibiting bacterial enzymes are also able to adversely affect the tissues of the mouth that rely on enzyme systems. That is why each mouth must now be checked for oral cancer at each dental visit. Fluoride destroys approximately 75 percent of the enzymes needed for normal cell functioning ("Good Teeth Birth to Death," by Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D).

The Environmental Protection Agency has concluded that the ingestion of fluoride has been linked in scientific studies to neurotoxicity, bone pathology, reproductive effects, interference with pineal glad, gene mutations, thyroid pathology and the increasing incidence and severity of dental fluorosis.

A 1993 U.S. Public Health Service report concluded that a large subset of the population, including those over age 50, children, pregnant women, those with diabetes, nutritional deficiencies and heart disease are at greater risk of fluoride toxicity (www.nteu280.org).

Parents are being warned not to provide fluoridated water to a child younger than 6 months. How's that child's formula mixed? When well water is tested, the homeowner is warned not to allow a child younger than 9 years old to drink the water that tests above 2 ppm fluoride.

Fluoride is an insidious poison. As it slowly destroys the kidney's ability to clear fluoride from the body, the level of fluoride circulating in the blood gradually rises. Adverse effects appear at 3.6 ppm ("Good Teeth Birth to Death," by Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D.).

Symptoms of excessive fluoride may be as mild as overactive bladder or as serious as a loss of lung function and an inability to breathe without supplemental oxygen.

The research by Dr. Phyllis Mullenix and a follow-up study by A.A. Guan raised questions about the damage to a fetal brain when the pregnant mother drinks fluoridated water at the level now considered to be safe.

Learning the truth about fluoride may have saved my life.

It has become obvious to me that the level of fluoride in a person's blood is more critical than the level of fluoride in the city water. Some future day, after fluoride has been added to enough municipal water supplies to pollute the environment, the average American may discover that knowing his fluoride number may be as important a predictor of future health as is knowing his cholesterol number.

Sondra Link lives in Fort Collins.


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