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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, March 06, 2008

American Health Care as Bad as a Third World Country

CBS’s Pelley: American Health Care as Bad as a Third World Country
By Kyle Drennen | March 4, 2008 - 12:33 ET
On Sunday’s "60 Minutes," anchor Scott Pelley profiled a charity called Remote Area Medical and its efforts to provide free health care in the United States:
Recently, we heard about an American relief organization that air drops doctors and medicine into the jungles of the Amazon. Its called Remote Area Medical, or "RAM" for short. Remote Area Medical sets up emergency clinics where the needs are greatest. But these days, that's not the Amazon -- this charity founded to help people who can't reach medical care now finds itself throwing America a lifeline.
Later, Pelley asked the charity’s founder, Stan Brock, about this: "You've created this medical organization that was designed to go into third world countries, to go into remote places, and you're now doing 60% of your work in urban and rural America. What are we supposed to make of that?"
Story Continues Below Ad ↓Pelley was shocked by the number of people who arrived at a RAM free clinic set up in Knoxville, Tennesse:
The clinic wouldn't open for seven hours, but people in pain didn't want to chance being left out. State guardsmen came in for crowd control. They handed out what would become precious slips of paper -- numbered tickets to board what amounted to a medical lifeboat...It was 27 degrees. The young and the old would spend the night in their cars, running the engine for heat, but not too much-- not at three dollars a gallon.
Of course this was not the first time that Pelley was shocked by people in America receiving charitable care. In January of 2003 Pelley did a story on "60 Minutes II" on food banks in America and said this:
The lines we found looked like they’d been taken from the pages of the Great Depression. It's not just the unemployed, we found plenty of people working full-time but still not able to earn enough to keep hunger out the house. If you think you have a good idea of who's hungry in America today, come join the line. You'd never guess who you'd meet there......................

Knoxville and 96% of Tennessee is fluoridated:NYSCOF


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